As all we know SegWit2x is going to happen on Oct 25th.
no, we all don't know that because SegWit2x is scheduled for November not October. and it falls in mid November.
the Oct. 25 is is called bitcoin gold.
My question is will we get equivalent amount of money we hold in our wallets at the time of fork, like if we have $1000 in wallet, we will receive $1000 of Bitcoin gold?
do because nobody is giving you anything for holding $$$, so if you hold $1000 in your wallet you still have $1000 in your wallet.
however if you hold bitcoin in your
bitcoin wallet by the time of fork you will receive the same amount in bitcoin gold!
Coinbase and Blockchain will support this too or not as Blockchain has already accepted BCH.
if by blockchain you mean the website called which happens to offer a wallet to, then they have not yet announced anything to my knowledge so they may not "support" it, but you still can claim your BTG since you own the private keys there.