Hey! I missed it too and finally found that another team introduced Segwit2X 2.0 with new great features.
Yes, now it looks like it will happen. With the new team and new additional features.
Stop calling your worthless shitcoin SegWit2x. It isn't SegWit2x. You just stole the name.
SegWit2x was called that because it had a 2MB base and 6MB witness, total 8MB blockweight. Your shitcoin has a 4MB base, so presumably 12MB witness and 16MB total blockweight? Or do you not even know because there's nothing about that whatsoever on the website? Then on top of the egregious increases to the size of blocks, you're also targetting a block speed of 2.5 minutes, meaning the total size of the entire blockchain could expand at never seen before speeds if people actually used this shitcoin.
And then, as the icing on the turd, the part where you think it's okay stealing coins from private keys that don't belong to you to encourage adoption of your shitcoin:
In addition, we will distribute a proportional number of "Bitcoins of Satoshi Nakamoto" to all those who support hardfork!
By “Bitcoin of Satoshi Nakamoto” we mean what the founder and chief developer of Bitcoin BTC mined at the time of zero network activity. They will be credited to the crypto-exchanges and wallets of our partners gradually. The list of partners will be constantly updated on our website! Even if Satoshi Nakamoto wants to get B2X for his pre-mining, he is not able to do this, as we blocked the initial blocks for conversion to Bitcoin Segwit2X.
It is worth noting that this present to users who supported us will be credited some time after the basic conversion 1:1
Go away with your wet-dream of a fork. Anyone with an actual brain will be staying far, far away from it.
I agree with you completely! However, it is $560 on futures....I mean really, my BTC addresses are now virtual real estate land for FORKs piling on?
I'd sell the forked coin....but see bitcoin core doing NOTHING of note, on the transaction fees and lighting mods.....
the choice is getting stark.....pick bitcoin core and get no relief as they fiddle while Rome burns...(let them eat cake we only move at a snails pace)
no hard forks here ..the network can grind to a halt first ...but we have principles!
or listen to the Bitcoin Cash fork guys, who have some scaling with blockchain increase..but if the coding was a boat, I would not put my cat in it
all the while claiming it is better than anything ever invented!
FML...they are both gonna conspire, due to idiocy, and sink my frigging BTC of many forks.....