no one IN YOUR BUDDY GROUP agrees with me. its just a shame you only see your buddy group. and you only notice people that have no fear of being frank trying to talk to your buddy group about how stupid you look. where you ignore the thousands of other people that object to your buddy group, they just avoid getting into debate with you cry babies
but your buddy group is only a dozen plus subnetwork adoring people of a network that has no consensus or blockchain
its funny how there are thousands of posts and topics about bitcoin scaling and wanting onchain changes of extra tx per block and cheaper fee's(many people not liking the broken/empty promise of the segwit pledge /LN deportation plan of "scaling")
yet i see the same dozen idiots trying to promote the "LN solution to scaling problem"
consensus is about agreement of a change is accepted
So why isn't Segwit part of consensus?
the METHOD of activating segwit into the ruleset.. was not done via consensus
consensus: consent via a mass census
it was activated by only counting trump voters
EG part of elections in america is offering new POLICY/pledge of new rule change in the future.
where if there was no true winner via a fair election trump stays in power but the policies stayed in pre election state. where no new policy is accepted.
meaning another election would need to occur if new policy were to happen
yes this means trump(core) still in power but not with any 2020 policy change allowed. where trump(core) continued on in old policy(ruleset(no segwit)).
but that was bypassed where trump(core) stayed in power and got to change policy, by his fake election campaign. which idiots want to call "trump won 2020"
using the analogies
bitcoin is now living in a trumpland 2020 where trump stayed in power AND changed the policy.. by evading democracy..
instead of how elections actually happened where if there was no clear winner. trump would have temporarily stayed in power
but without new policy. where a new election would soon occur to offer new policy
Some nodes came into this agreement, and in fact, they took into consideration that it won't fork the rest nodes off the network. They could have chosen to solve the transaction malleability problem without soft forking, backwards-compatibility and the like;
NYA corporate votes were counted yes they changed election rules that normal citizens dont vote(backward compatibility to just keep trump in power without a vote)
funny part is.. the blockchain data and actually using your eyes.. there was a hard fork.. its called BCH(yes it happened)
there were block rejections to falsify a 100% (un-natural to get full 100% by the way)
they instead changed the voters rights(backward compatible) and just didnt count or involve all citizens in the vote where abstaining was treated as voting for trump2020 policy
just a brutal hard fork, and it would work more efficiently as well. But they thought: we can't just enforce this to everybody, nor is it appropriate to split the network in half.
in real consensus there just be no policy change. thus no fork due to an election
please go learn the difference between consensus vs forking
learn the solution to the byzantine generals problem.. it will clear up your many misunderstandings
it will help you realise why bitcoin was such a novel solution to many things in 2009-2016
you you and your daddy doomad stop reptending segwit was soft. it was hard as proven by there being a hard fork
and stop pretending that i am saying that segwit activated via soft (uasf) becasue again i am and never have said that segwit was soft
there was a fork, controversy and rejections and then election bypass to activate new policy
stop trying to think segwit was peaceful kumbaya unanimous agreement