First Atheist Terrorist...? "But what about the Crusaaaades!!!11!!11???"
Only about a million more atheist terrorist caused deaths before these are comparable. (Three million on the high end of estimates.)
Today I Learn: Mao Zedong, Stalin, Pol Pot.. Were NOT atheists...
Thank you for your edited enlightenment
Fair point, I stand corrected.
I have seen people making the mistake of forgetting the past too often, no matter the subject. At least you know their names, not so sure about our new younger instagram generation...
Well, I wasn't considering them at first because their murder wasn't a function of their atheism,
it was just a coincidence that they were murderous tyrants and atheists. Their murderous reigns were primarily political in nature aimed at the subjugation of political classes or parties that would threaten their political power. That is the opposite of this Chapel Hill situation (OSTENSIBLY) where the indication is he shot Muslims for religious reasons. That's the slant all the your picture posts are taking, as to whether or not that bears out, time will tell. It's not like the media's knee-jerk reaction has ever been wrong before, right?
Marxist–Leninist atheism (Russian: Mapкcиcтcкo-лeнинcкий aтeизм) is a part of the wider Marxist–Leninist philosophy (the type of Marxist philosophy found in the Soviet Union), which rejects religion and advocates a materialist understanding of nature. Marxism–Leninism holds that religion is the opium of the people, in the sense of promoting passive acceptance of suffering on Earth in the hope of eternal reward. Therefore, Marxism–Leninism advocates the abolition of religion and the acceptance of atheism.
Marxist–Leninist atheism has its roots in the philosophy of Ludwig Feuerbach, G.W.F. Hegel, Karl Marx, and Vladimir Lenin.Some non-Soviet Marxists opposed this antireligious stance, and in certain forms of Marxist thinking, such as the liberation theology movements in Latin America among others, Marxist–Leninist atheism was rejected entirely. those images posted here are screen grabs of the scum's facebook page, before it was deleted. How can we not accept what the scum posted himself as a direct way to define himself?
No media distortion here. A direct view inside the scum's mind AND the people he liked the most... None of them Crusaaaaders.