My idea has been to create a marketplace where anyone can offer the services they want. The purpose is to simply be a platform to conduct the exchange of services. What the seller and buyer wants is up to them. It's not simply limited to online things like graphics, copywriting and other mere online tasks. It can be expanded to offline services like taxiing, transport, house maintenance. For example if you want a kid to come mow your lawns, you can put up a tender for the equivalent of $20 and they can accept or negotiate the price, once they do the work the money is released to them and you can give feedback. The same idea applies for all services done on the website. It's simply presented in a template like this:
But websites where you can hire carpenters & cleaners, well they do exist. CL etc.
Also, ever heard of Uber or Lyft? I sincerely doubt you can compete with them in the transport sector.
And.. a task for mowing your lawn? Again, you'd have to have a massive and specialized userbase before those kinds of offers make sense imo. And without a lot of capital, i don't see how you can get there. (Not to mention as to whether or not people actually want such a service.)