I mean I'm Spanish could I use the code to buy something in a Spanish account?
And is this your last offer? 75%?
Is your account in $$? Is it on amazon.com? if its es, I believe you cant.
What do you mean I can't? Maybe you wanted to say that I can?
Anyway my account is in euros couse is a Spanish account.
If I could use it ill be interested in buying those codes.
Last price mate?
Amazon's gift card policy is that only specific gift cards work for each of their web-stores.
Amazon.com gift card will not be usable on an Amazon.co.uk website.
The gift card must match the domain you are using it with. For an Amazon.es account, you can only use an Amazon.es gift card. A U.S. gift card will not work on your account.
However, you could try creating an account on their .com site and then see if the item ships to Spain. You might have to pay import taxes if that is the case though.