Oancea Cezar,
goes by the false name of Oancea Iuliana in Paypal, he lives in Bucurest, you messed with some deepweb guy in here. I will hunt you down until you have paid for every single scam you have put through this year, you f piece of sh it.
He shows that is from Brasov or Vasau, but he is not. For the moment is all the info I have, but I intend to investigate the case further.
I have additional info as well - I've asked the person who was scammed to create a scam accusation thread in the proper section, and he said he will and let me know later.
I would put everything I know here, but it's not the place, it should be a full-blown accusation thread according to these guidelines:
Edit - this is another of his addresses he gave to me:
NOte - this TX - Public Note: Secondstrade.com 29th sig campaign payout
Maybe a Mod or someone who runs that campaign can match that address up to the UID running this scam, as he's obviously got alt accounts, because he's not on that sig campaign.