I did this drawing for eMansipator's topic (
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/draw-a-picture-earn-10-btc-7867), and it was fun. So, I wanted to see if anyone else was interested in me doing any drawings for bitcoins. I'll do them in ink like that drawing. If you're interested, let me know what you want me to draw and how many btc you can offer. Something like at least 1 btc would be cool, but I'll consider any offer! Please don't be shy! I can also do color with markers for a little more.
Also, if you like what I draw for you, I will even send you the original artwork in the mail for a very small fee + shipping/packing.
My address is: 1GaLzoNQbuJB4hDgY4YBgvjxzPqHkCebgj
You tell me to draw anything you want at all. You can either post here or pm me, and I'll post any drawings I do in here unless you don't want me to.
Let me know what you want me to draw!