
Topic: Selling Xbox ones , CONSOLE ONLY , 175$ each! (Read 3199 times)

Activity: 1
Merit: 0
February 27, 2014, 11:12:30 AM
You are aware that microsoft stopped the security flaw you claim to be abusing.

How were you able to determine this? I recently bought one off eBay and now I'm worried my console will get banned because the seller told me he is not sending his original console back to Microsoft.
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1222
brb keeping up with the Kardashians
Where did Bammergera go? He hasn't even logged in for a few days now. He must have lost his password or something!
Activity: 108
Merit: 10
now that hes exposed, i wonder how-much he made lol
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
Same scam as this.... The link explains how he's managing to sell them so cheap and why to avoid them even if he will accept escrow. It's fraud and he's running no risk by getting them delivered to your house, all the blame points to the buyer.

It is not a scam and i've just seen his thread.. he's probs doing the exact same thing. i can even get em for 30$ in canada haha , thats how simple it is

How is claiming a replacement product for a item you don't have by using a pre paid or stolen credit card (unless you're completely stupid and use you own) to pass the credit check (they take $1 instead of putting the full retail price on hold, like they're meant too) for a advance replacement to be shipped to a buyers address not a scam ?

When Microsoft finally click on and get fed up of being scammed whats stopping them bricking the console or attempting to charge the person who they were delivered too ? I'm assuming it would be pretty difficult for the buyer to wriggle his way out of that considering it was delivered to their address and signed for by them and the only info they have on you would be a bitcoin address.
Bammergera you got exposed poor beggar ripper
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
Have pics, but none of the console.  Roll Eyes
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 500
You are aware that microsoft stopped the security flaw you claim to be abusing.
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
Same scam as this.... The link explains how he's managing to sell them so cheap and why to avoid them even if he will accept escrow. It's fraud and he's running no risk by getting them delivered to your house, all the blame points to the buyer.

It is not a scam and i've just seen his thread.. he's probs doing the exact same thing. i can even get em for 30$ in canada haha , thats how simple it is

How is claiming a replacement product for a item you don't have by using a pre paid or stolen credit card (unless you're completely stupid and use you own) to pass the credit check (they take $1 instead of putting the full retail price on hold, like they're meant too) for a advance replacement to be shipped to a buyers address not a scam ?

When Microsoft finally click on and get fed up of being scammed whats stopping them bricking the console or attempting to charge the person who they were delivered too ? I'm assuming it would be pretty difficult for the buyer to wriggle his way out of that considering it was delivered to their address and signed for by them and the only info they have on you would be a bitcoin address.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Same scam as this.... The link explains how he's managing to sell them so cheap and why to avoid them even if he will accept escrow. It's fraud and he's running no risk by getting them delivered to your house, all the blame points to the buyer.

It is not a scam and i've just seen his thread.. he's probs doing the exact same thing. i can even get em for 30$ in canada haha , thats how simple it is
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
Same scam as this.... The link explains how he's managing to sell them so cheap and why to avoid them even if he will accept escrow. It's fraud and he's running no risk by getting them delivered to your house, all the blame points to the buyer.
Activity: 1162
Merit: 1001
Bammergera is a confirmed scammer. I would avoid all trades with him.
sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250
Im not scamming and neither does that fool have any valid proof. im also offering an escrow for this service.

Yes "FOOL " have proofs ... PLEASE CHECK this THREAD FOR PROOFS >> AND  DROP SOME NEGATIVE TRUST TO HIM so everyone can see his RED ass
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
eh my spidy senses are tingling towards you are a scammer =), your 3rd post is omg wts or wtb stuff

Why would that mean im a scammer? maybe my aim on this forum is to trade?  Roll Eyes you guys ....
Activity: 108
Merit: 10
eh my spidy senses are tingling towards you are a scammer =), your 3rd post is omg wts or wtb stuff
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Here is some little proof .. He changed his skype id after scamming me ..

He also have multiple accounts in this forum .. YOU are RAT

Thanks for posting evidence. Always helps in deciding whether people are scammers or not.

Im not scamming and neither does that fool have any valid proof. im also offering an escrow for this service.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 500
Here is some little proof .. He changed his skype id after scamming me ..

He also have multiple accounts in this forum .. YOU are RAT

Thanks for posting evidence. Always helps in deciding whether people are scammers or not.
sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250
Here is some little proof .. He changed his skype id after scamming me ..

He also have multiple accounts in this forum .. YOU are RAT
Activity: 28
Merit: 0

lol what? im offering a escrow you idiot. this is not a scam at all. ESCROW/MIDDLEMAN ACCEPTED , PROOF SHOWN. OK?

Ok at last you replied .. So where is my 0.2 btc ??

post your PM's via screenshot here so we can see if you 2 acually have a chat going on or you troll, or if indeed he scammed you

either way, escrow is not a bad idea.

Also I'm not sure but I suspect some sort of fraud is going on here assuming its not a scam.

Well obviously you cant get Xbox ones for this price 100% legit but , i can get them. and im offering an escrow to everybody who wants to deal. the buyer will have no risk at all , and to trynpo... im not replying to you anymore idiot.

who will you use for escrow?

Anybody who seems trusted enough.. i was just reading your thread about the 12x2t/hash miners.... plus you seem to have extremely good rep around here , you can be used a escrow if you want , if you want to buy one from me , im willing to let you pay me once you receive the item also Smiley , if you have torchat i can give you a short explanation of how i get these. Cant give away my method though
sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250

either way, escrow is not a bad idea.

Also I'm not sure but I suspect some sort of fraud is going on here assuming its not a scam.

I know Escrow is not a bad idea .. BUt this MOron will try every possible trick to manipulate you to avoid Escrow , BE AWARE ..
Activity: 28
Merit: 0

lol what? im offering a escrow you idiot. this is not a scam at all. ESCROW/MIDDLEMAN ACCEPTED , PROOF SHOWN. OK?

Ok at last you replied .. So where is my 0.2 btc ??

post your PM's via screenshot here so we can see if you 2 acually have a chat going on or you troll, or if indeed he scammed you

either way, escrow is not a bad idea.

Also I'm not sure but I suspect some sort of fraud is going on here assuming its not a scam.

Well obviously you cant get Xbox ones for this price 100% legit but , i can get them. and im offering an escrow to everybody who wants to deal. the buyer will have no risk at all , and to trynpo... im not replying to you anymore idiot.
sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250
What 0.2 BTC? can you leave my thread please? I've already reported you to an admin for flaming me via PM. Please GTFO.

Ah.. i know you will surely react like this  ... remember this thread

I will spam you until you give up this account. YOU WILL DIE LIKE A RAT

post your PM's via screenshot here so we can see if you 2 acually have a chat going on or you troll, or if indeed he scammed you

Please check above mentioned thread for proofs ...
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