You have to do the math yourself for your situation - if you do, consider difficulty increases of at least 30% every ~11 days and don't count on being able to sell your used mining gear in case Bitcoin crashes completely - you'd be one of very many trying to do so.
Having said that, welcome to the community and I wish you the best of luck!
Awesome, thanks for the input. Although looking at the next expected difficulty, I think BTC is a bit overvalued at the moment... looks like there's sort of a craze yesterday and today. I think it will settle in around $15 or so in the next couple of days, which is in line with the last 55% difficulty and the upcoming ~25% difficulty.
I was thinking about the difficulty as far as buying cards, and yes, blocks will be harder to find, but I think the price will balance it out... not much difference finding 50 BTC @ $8 and "only" finding $25 @ $16.
I think you have the right idea though... if I get the cards and the coins I'm covered both ways. I'm an IT guy and leave my computer on 24/7 anyhow, so it shouldn't be a huge difference for the video cards added in. The video card I have now is pumping out 28 Mh/s lol. So pretty much anything would be an improvement.
As far as you guys with the post apocalyptic stuff, BTC is going to be useless if nobody has electricity or internet anymore, if you're hiding in your backyard bunkers Food, medicine, and ammunition will be the currency, in that order.
not the people on this forum - we're all traders and speculators.
i think we'd all be going with chocolate, whiskey, toilet paper, tampons, perfume and coffee.
i expect you're right about a correction though. i'm thinking $13-15 for a low, lasting a week or so. big deal.
20 is the new 10...