Imo, this country is gonna be taxed to death.
step 1: spend more
step 2: tax more
step 3: go back to step 1
the u.s. government spends itself into near financial collapse, then uses budget cuts and subsequent job losses as a fear-tactic to raise taxes (even though their budget actually grew this year so they shouldn't have had to cut anything). every year our economy grows more and more dependent on the government and central economic planning.
not to mention anybody who speaks out against it is labeled as a naive nutjob who doesn't want to pay for the 'roads' they use.
What rots me, is that these people in senate, house, white house, leo's & feds don't do a damn thing to get hand calluses, they live off of the citizens, claiming they work. I was watching this bill to be passed, on CSPN, you know how many people I seen just standing around in suits doing nothing and getting paid by peoples taxes? There was a ton of them. I just nodded my head in shame at these people. Fucking leeches.