Sen. Rand Paul announced Wednesday afternoon he’s attempting to filibuster the extension of the Patriot Act, vowing to use all his legislative powers to try to end the snooping law.
The Kentucky Republican’s speech, which began at 1:18 p.m., is not technically holding up any legislation because the Senate is actually currently debating a trade bill, but Mr. Paul said his move was a filibuster nonetheless, as he vowed to hold the floor until he couldn’t go any longer.
“It’s time to end the NSA spying,” his official Twitter account said in a post at 1:36 p.m., as he was on the floor.
Mr. Paul is waging a lonely fight, demanding that the government stop snooping without probable cause or a warrant. That’s a step beyond even some of his other erstwhile civil libertarian allies who want to curtail the Patriot Act’s bulk collection, but would still allow government agents to go after the records of individuals without first seeking a warrant.
Indeed, the lonely fight was underscored by the scene on the Senate floor in the middle of the afternoon: Mr. Paul was the only senator present, save for the one Republican required to be in the presiding officer’s chair.
Armed with binders, file folders and a barely touched glass of water, he paced behind his desk on the right wing of the Senate, occasionally flipping through notes to find his place as he offered a lengthy discussion of the Obama administration’s duplicity in maintaining the National Security Agency’s snooping program.
Mr. Obama’s top intelligence official testified to Congress that they were not storing bulk information about Americans’ phone calls, when in fact they were doing that under the NSA’s program.
Congress is pushing up against a deadline for deciding what to do about three provisions of the Patriot Act that are slated to expire at the end of the month. Among those is Section 215, which the Bush and Obama administrations have claimed justifies the NSA program.
Read more: I thought this deserved a thread unto itself rather than just keep it tucked away in my other thread on Rand. He's about 5.5 hrs into this filibuster and may go long into the night and perhaps into the later morning or after noon. Remember the filibuster he did on drones a few years back? He'll get plenty of national news coverage by tomorrow as it was already front and center on The Drudge Report today, which is the most viewed public affairs website in the US and likely the world. This will definitely set him apart from the Presidential candidates pack and this is a huge issue considering the courts already ruled this bulk collection of data by the NSA is illegal and the US House passed the USA Freedom Act last week which would overturn the Patriot Act.
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Call Congress now to ask them if they #StandWithRand? Get them on record and ask them to sunset the badly named 'Patriot Act.' Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121
Update: There are a handful of US House members joining on the Senate floor to support Rand and Democratic Senators Manchin (WV), Coons (DE), Wyden (OR), Tester (MT) and Heinrich (NM) & Republican Senators Lee (UT)and Daines (MT) have spoken on the floor along w/ Rand to support getting rid of this crap. This is Epic folks, do your part!
Tweet and keep it standing or insert #StandWithRand in your tweets about this subject.