At present in the community there are several Escrow businesses; like . So my idea is that these Escrow businesses "expand" their role and do the following: For persons wanting to start a new BTC business and who are lacking enough Trustwothyness due to the reason that they are very new, they would deposit an amount of their choosing into the Escrow business, and have this as a Public record. The more they deposit, the more Trustworthy they can be perceived by the community.
The new BTC business would launch, and advertise the fact that they are "registered depositors" at XYZ Escrow service. XYZ can get a percentage for playing this role from the deposit; they can also charge a fee for future arbitration.
If any client in the future has a serious issue with the business, they can claim against the deposit at the Escrow service; these issues will also be public record.
Basically, what you said is exactly what I have in the works. You are spot on with your thinking.