I saw the PM
Well, my idea is that in the moment you make a transaction, you can give a vote, positive or negative (positive default)
Who receive the transaction should be able to vote too, making a "trust connection"
This vote will be stored related to transaction, and should be possible to change later (this is the hard thing in dev time), the value of the vote is the fee paid (i would change fees to work in %)
I call cheating not just in economical way, in moral and ethical. If the company/person X with the one i am dealing starts to do things i dont like, i can change my vote of all my transactions i did with him, he can do the same with me. But, if in general i am a nice person, my punctuation should keep positive. In the other hand, if more people thinks like me, and they change his vote to this company/person X, X will have a horrible reputation.
The reputation can be explored, and you can locally count the reputation of 2º order transactions.
I will add to the negative votes, the option to add a very small text so people can link or explain why (and some way so people can choose the text of others linking reasons, being able to make statistics)
Imagine what nice would be to check our politicians/bankers reputation, or that "friend" is never returning the dvds, others can know about it
It is not thought so everybody can be bastard with others, it is thought so people can check what they are doing wrong, and what they can do to solve it, making the money having an extra value. You can be born with lot of dirty money, but as everybody can explore the transactions and check the reputation from where it is coming from, you should work on having a nice reputation.
It is giving the power to the mass over the ones laughing at us.
(One of the most famous politicians in my country that stole millions of euros and is not scare cause he knows politicians are controlling the legal system) Make deals with them and maybe after someone doesnt wanna fix your car, the pipes, etc... we will know from what dirty place money is coming.
I hate boost, but if you like my idea and you start to develop, i would like to be part on it, even if i need to download boost and i cant use my QObjects.