***Croatian - Okolo kucno vodopisalo *** Serbian - Oluk
takodje krofna se zove vruce nadignuce
Don't make up words that don't exist.
Krofna is krofna and oluk is oluk in both languages. Your arguments to create local board are made of trolling.
Thank you bradr
I would like in serbian really... i dont understend very wll croatian.
From all nonsense I've been reading this is biggest one.
Croatian and Serbian languages are different languages, however, difference between them is maybe 20%. You need IQ of a room temperature to speak both languages, your IQ is most likely much lower...
Here is something for you(universal declaration of human rights) on all 3(Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian) languages, because you don't understand Croatian very well:
So, stop posting utter garbage and start posting real reasons why do you need Serbian local board and maybe you will get it.