For third party, I know, I have two Casascius coins, but the system isn't trustless anymore and you would have to trust the issuer.
I thought a lot of this trust issue, because I have wanted to create physical bitcoins in the past and concluded I would never have requiered trust for this to be a success.
I still think we need "internet" or just enough connected nodes on a kind of network, if we lose so many infrastructure, I don't see a lot of things keeping value
(food, water, guns, ammunitions) and maybe caps if you played fallout
For BTC backed paper money and other uses, as long as we can access internet sometimes, BTC can live, because we only need to change BTC sometimes to something that can be easily used (gold, paper money, caps)
Yes, but just think about Africans, there are not many internet connections there, so we have to think about everyone. Even if we survive the collapse with the internet intact (which we will, the internet is the last thing to go away, your pension savings will be the first
), still you will have poor villages without acces to it, where the BTC Note as I call it would come handy, and they can just redeem that whenever they want in an exchange, to their wallet, if they get acces to internet.
Besides, i think the fallout games exagerate a little bit, i didnt played them but I sawed videos, so I think people in USA exagerate about those FEMA camps and survival kit and whatnot. Even the 1929 collapse wasnt that horrible, so it wont be worser than that, because we can recover from it much quicker with the internet intact.
If the dollar will collapse and it will, then the internet trading and bartering economy will grow by atleast 5 orders of magnitude
I mean you will see people in Facebook trading stuff because the local shops will be bankrupt and closed, and they will use postal service or whatever courier to exchange goods, that is how it will be.
It wont be a post apocaliptic world where armed vigilant mobs will be on the streets because you still have an army which would keep relative peace. It will be just that normal shops will be closed and a lot of services bankrupt.
So twitter,facebook, youtube and other social sites will become the global exchange 2.0
So do will be BitMessage and OpenBazaar.
So don't exxagerate, I know that people are scared and stuff but, really we need to put things in perspective, the majority of the collapse will only hit banksters, because they inflated the 1.6 quadrilion derivative bubble, and still they own the majority of it, so if it will pop, only they lose their money mostly
. Middle strata and poor people doesnt have much to loose, but only gain freedom of commerce and trading, by bartering peer-to-peer and they would become much richer than before the crisis because there will be no central power to steal from them.