A. A huge group of unrelated scientists whose devious schemes for grant money know no bounds
B. Companies that already make billions of dollars a year and will do anything to preserve those profits and make new ones with as little restraint or regulation as possible
My keen libertarian intellect tells me the answer is A. I mean, think about it: oil companies already have money! What do they need more for? Obviously it's the people who spent half their lives going to school so they could get $50k a year jobs who are trying to take over the world and not the companies that are already halfway there.
If this were the 1960s or '70s, I have no doubt libertarians would be implicating the Surgeon General and greedy doctors in a scheme to unfairly tar the honest scientists at RJ Reynolds who have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that smoking cigarettes is the healthiest thing you'll ever do.
Winner! I actually laughed.