Please help me understand the thoughts of people who actually want (for example) $20 Billion Dollars. Depending on where you live, wouldn't $5M be about enough?
"Poor man wanna be rich,
Rich man wanna be king,
And a king ain't satisfied,
'til he rules everything..." ~The Boss
Could you be happy (for example) in a comfortable middle-class life? In case you do not know, excess money can create related problems. Seriously, why would anyone want $20 Billion Dollars?
So I can buy 25% of all the BTC and hodl.
Now seriously, I think that it all depends on your social status and your character.
Average person doesn't need more than a paid off house and a retirement money on the side big enough for some decent life.
I mean we all need some small amount for our basic needs.
After "basic needs"- level comes the "security"-level money and "the final stage" is when you're losing your mind because you're doing stupid things and there's nobody to stop you. Something like Johnny Depp. He's not a billionaire but he's a good example. You don't need billions to lose yourself.
It's a thin line between rich, rich stupid and rich burnout. All of them have money but very few of them are truly happy.
Most of us think that when you have all the money in the world you can do anything and you'll live forever blah blah..
Yes, your appetites and needs grow when you have more money. Also your horizons broaden because you can afford the experiences that you couldn't before. But many lose their way because they can't control the bad habits. It's easy to became an addict when you have loads of money and no one to stop you. Everything is at the tip of your hands and that's the receipt for destruction. At that level only your character can save you. And if you have a good character you don't need billions, few mill would suffice and you'll live good enough. Being dirty rich isn't good for your health although you can afford the best healthcare. And one thing is interesting that when you have money you lose friends. The more money you get the less friends you have. Your true and honest friends get replaced by money hungry "persons". Also there's the security issues and the depression. Why would half of the rich dudes be depressed if they can afford anything?..
But what is the point then? Do we want money just so we can buy a house and a car, food, boose and spend the rest on some other stupid things? How much do we really need, a hundred, a mill or a bill?
I mentioned happiness earlier, isn't that the point of your existence?
To be happy and live a stress-free life.
Can money help with that? Yeah.
Can money destroy you and turn everyone around you to money hungry monsters? Yeah x2.
Billions destroy people. Money gives power and lots of money=lots of power. You can do ether good or bad with power and that depends on your character. And one more thing, money doesn't corrupt people, that's bull. If a person is bad it's bad even without the money but that comes into light when the first opportunity arises.
So be very careful with what you wish for cuz maybe, when you become a gazillionair, you'll find out that you're not such a good guy after all.