what exactly produces x10 noise? PSU?
do you get any beep signals from MBD?
if the PSU and all GPUs are safely working I would check the ram memory.
it is probably much better to move this topic to the mining section of this forum. I believe there are more people out there who can help you and they are not visiting this part of the forum
Try here
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=76.0I made same thread on that board, TY
Yeah, the PSU is very loud, even without the added fans i got to work by sticking in 1 single PCI into the MOBO and sticking the Power SW cable into the pins he stated. There were power in and power out on the MOBO, i stuck it in power in, was that correct? MOBO lit up as did all the added GPUs lights, but i tried all of their HDMI slots and got no signal, i tried the integrated HDMI slot as well. I did ask him about RAM, after the purchase and he said the 4GB in his description, is integrated into the MOBO, so i took his word for it.
whether that board has a speaker? Any signals from there?
I saw one memory module in the slot on the board. It seems to be regular and not integrated. Try without them also.
due to oxidation, the contacts on the memory may weaken. All you have to do is take it out and put it back. (you definitely need to make sure everything is ok with memory)
edit: I saw on the picture, there is no CMOS battery on the board. it may not have to be mandatory, but it would be desirable to put it on.