iya terpaksa sbar-sabar saja karena memang gitu aturannya
naekin follower twitter sama tambah teman di FB
ada kalo ga salah baca bounty yg sampe cek follower kita berhubungan dengan criptocurrency ga.. kalo ga ya gak boleh ikut bounty sosmed
berarti mereka benar2 cari akun yg tertarget
ya kalo ga salah gw jg pernah baca tp lupa koin apa makanya gagal ikut
mana nih ya dah muter2 ga ada lagi ya airborne atau bounty yang baru?
yang dapat share please
ada nih dari forum sebelah :
https://stellarcommunity.org/t/claim-your-share-of-a-potential-5m-lumens-read-update/18tapi lama dapetnya When the challenge results are over (15th July 2017)
terimakasih infornya, walau gw urutan 226 tapi jadilah
ni gw copas ya
Stellar Community will be taking part in the Stellar Build challenge this year :tada: If we win the first prize of 5 million Stellar lumens we've decided that we'll share the prize with our community. A total of 250,000 lumens will be shared to the members of StellarCommunity.org. The first 100 users that post here will get 50% of this (125,000 lumens) and the remaining users will get the remainder of the lumens (we'll limit the amount of users to 500 so that I don't have to potentially send lumens to 1,000's of users :joy:)
Taking part is simple:
Reply to this thread with your stellar address
When the challenge results are over (15th July 2017) the lumens will be sent as long as you've got at least 5 posts on the forum (no spam though please) - don't forget to create a thread or two if you want :slight_smile:
Account must be reasonably active, not including accounts that registered - posted 5 posts and never came back to the forum. Don't have to log in / post every day, but please don't do what I just mentioned.
* Note: This is assuming StellarCommunity.org wins the challenge, which we hope we do!
* Only one entry per person.
* If you're in the first 100 replies, you'll get 1,250 lumens no matter what.
* If you're post number 101 you'll get a share of the remaining 125,000 lumens. If there are 300 replies in total that means 200 people will get a share of this, meaning you'll get 625 lumens. If only 150 people reply, the last 50 people will get a max of 1,250 lumens to make sure the people who post first don't get less than people who come later to the party.
Best of luck :slight_smile:
Stellar changed the build challenge after this post was created, and unfortunately the number of stellars they are giving away dropped to 130,000 due to the increase in price of Stellar (Brain, the community manager of Stellar posted about it on this very forum -
https://stellarcommunity.org/t/stellar-build-challenge-sbc/205/239). At first Stellar removed the forum prize completely but thankfully they brought it back after I mentioned it to them. As a result, the lumens given out will be less but we'll give the same percentage wise as we originally promised (5%).