ini ane copy langsung dari websitenya
Here at BitKong we are dedicated to rewarding our most loyal users, which is why starting now our biggest winners will win even more. Our Hall of Heroes will get MASSIVE rewards:
Every day (at 00:00 GMT)
1st place - 30,000 ƀits
2nd place - 15,000 ƀits
3rd place - 5,000 ƀits
4th to 10th places - 1,000 ƀits
Every week (at Sunday 00:00 GMT)
1st place - 300,000 ƀits
2nd place - 150,000 ƀits
3rd place - 50,000 ƀits
4th to 10th places - 10,000 ƀits
Free bitcoins
We have the best faucet, folks. (Yes, really)
Happy Weekend - From Freaky Friday to Sleepy Sunday Our Faucet Gets Even Fatter - 30 bits Every 10 Minutes.
Funky Hour - Crazy! It's Funky Hour! 6 x 50 bits are waiting for you at our Bitcoin faucet.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more updates.
To get bonuses you need to be signed up with Facebook. Anonymous accounts not eligible for bonuses.
jadi saat ini berlangsung kontes di bitkong yang perhari total hadiah 60k Bits atau 0.06 BTC sedangkan ada juga perminggu dengan total hadiah 600k bits atau 0.6BTC
buat yang berminat main ajah langsung di websitenya ini gan atau bisa daftar dan main lewat reff ane