tugasnya cuma download wallet, follow and retweet, post fb, ni gw copas aja dah
1. Get 200 Primulon for following/reweeting/liking our messages on Twitter.
2. 1000 coins Write something about us on steemit.
3. 200 coins Mention us one time within the trollboxes on a popular altcoinexchange of your choice. Make sure your message is value added for us and the crowd.
4. 200 coins Post something about us on facebook wall which are about crypto/investments etc.
5. 200 coins Share information about Primulon thru snapchat/instagram & instagram stories
makasi sharingnya gan, buat nubie yah event seperti inilah yang bisa diikuti,, paling banter nyari bounty social media twitter sama facebook aja, gw udah coba daftar ikut signature pas awal2 nubie boleh ikut ternyata diubah nubie jadi ga bisa ikutan.. apes bener dah