For the longest time, I have been thinking about doing this. It seems like the right time is now. All of us have had good, bad, and ugly experiences with money. So now is a good time to offer your two cents worth of financial advice.
Ty question- Based on your cumulative life experiences, can you share your best money advice with us?
I'd go first - Stay out of debt as much as you can.
Talking about finances is usually directly related to the needs of living everyday life from getting up early and getting up early again. Identifying needs is very important for managing finances well so you can manage expenses well. Therefore we have categories of primary, secondary and tertiary needs which are physical and spiritual.
Dividing your money into several categories such as basic needs, investments, cash funds and emergency funds is highly recommended for those of you who want to have healthy finances.
Why do so many people hate debt? I think this is done by people who use their money for consumption or subsistence, so they are forced to pay off debts without producing anything.
Let's say you are an entrepreneur, when you have a very significant increase in demand, productivity must be increased because to meet customer demand, and you will find it difficult to increase production if you only rely on income from the money you rotate. Of course, you have to borrow to increase your capital and expand your business so that you can meet market needs and have a bigger cash flow.
Debt will be negative for consumptive people and debt will be positive for productive people because productive people will use it to attract other money.