Donald Trump
The American Media failed in its attempt to predict the down fall of Donald Trumps Presidential campaign.
In fact Donald Trumps campaign has been unstoppable.
I personally think Donald Trump should be President of the United States of America. Why?
I think he would be successfull in reducing the American debt by Trillions of dollars.
I think the world is tired of hearing the same old promises from Politicians and the same old families running the USA.
He would obviously cause a shake up of the Old World Order and the Trillions of dollars that has been wasted.
I think he would bring the much needed respect Americans have been craving.
I think he would finally end the wars in the middle east. I think he would bring about the end if ISIS and the Asad regime. The Syrian people may find peace again.
I think he would be able to Negotiate peace between Israel and Palestine.
The Wall. Would create thousands of jobs and secure a Border. We all care about illegal immigration even in Australia. We require quality immigration and helping refugees who come via the correct method.
Yes there is a problem with radicalism. The random planning of destruction on peaceful communities and their infrastructure is a sickness that needs to stop. I think Donald Trump would be the best choice compared to other candidates.
I think Hillary Clinton would have no chance of beating him. If you see how he has destroyed the other candidates. I think Hillary Clinton will find him tough to beat.
I think the American debt is the number 1 issue the world faces, and if I had to choose between Hillary and Trump. I would pick Trump hands down.
I think we can say that he will be the best at creating jobs.
He is making many people and organizations stand up and look at their contributions in financial terms. The contributions in monetary terms for NATO.
The United Nations and it's track record of actually solving problems.
The Free Trade deals. The Iranian deal.
He is obviously known as a deal maker and I think re-looking at the old ways is what is required in this new age. The projected 21 Trillion Debt needs to be tackled with business like thinking and I think this is the best chance to see a major reduction.
Democracy has brought us many success stories and I think Democracy will deliver even more.
Peace Bernie Sanders v Donald Trump would be something to think about?