Look it's like every time I say something about this project you roaches come out of the woodwork and tell me I don't know enough about it.
So put up some info maybe? If it isn't one deflection it's another. Like one of them even shot back at me about calling them out on the 20% premine when they changed to the lisk codebase. They go and say "oh I can't believe you spinned that into a bad thing" when the reality is they probably don't even have access to the private key of that wallet. Then to top it off one nerd even posts a public link to the website like they werent IP baiting me. Like if there's no plan for it and they do have the key why aren't they using it to get more shift?
Really ryver is a Java infested crapground, the devs are transient at best, and they keep telling you people "yeah we're working real hard guize" all while never even giving back anything substantial like nobodys ever seen that trick before.
There's really not much to go on here, besides the smarter holders of shift dumping on the dumber holders of shift while they exit. That's pretty apparent just looking at bittrex.
Just because you don't think there isn't a work contract here doesn't mean there isn't one.
The open source hasn't had a meaningful change in months and the biggest thing that came out was someone updated the explorer page so it would have all the polo updates from lisk.
I don't think it's a cash grab in the sense of grabbing a pile of cash all at once, but I'll be damned if it isn't a cash grab in the sense of just being a medium income constant revenue generating stream being strung along and quiet enough that nobody ever realizes it.
For each bad actor explanation you've projected, there is a good explanation; sharing a good explanation because I know this team and have confidence in them makes me like a "roach coming out of the woodwork"? You're either a shill for a competitor project or have a major stick up your butt. E.g.:
Regarding the developer wallet: they haven't touched it because they have had admirable frugality and restraint at the stages of the product which were not ripe for marketing. Looting the developer wallet, even for good reasons, would probably cause panic or fear of dumping if this happened before the project was mature enough. Because it is now becoming mature enough to dip into the developer wallet without causing too much FUD, to spend for marketing and other good causes, they have been working on a marketing budget.
Regarding putting out info: the last November newsletter had a lot of positive news.
Regarding using Ryver: it's a matter of preference, not a reasonable indictment to make against them.
Regarding your claim that the devs are transient: Ralf has been with the project for a long time. Goldeneye is still on it as well. They also hired a new developer from Vimeo in recent months. (And the new dev Craig may have a work contract but there is no one for Ralf to have a contract from -- I still don't understand how this accusation makes sense.)
Regarding your claim about "the smarter holders of shift dumping on the dumber holders of shift while they exit," any dumper has missed a lot of gains by doing so given that Shift crossed ATH last month and reached a new ATH this month in an uptrend that grows progressively more robust up to the present, comparing across the 1-year, 3-month, 1-month, and 1-week charts. How can you even be attempting to FUD that?
Regarding the accusation that it's "just... a medium income constant revenue generating stream being strung along," if that was the case then why would they spend money hiring a new dev from Vimeo and developing Jenga and their own custom IPFS CMS and other innovations which were discussed in the last newsletter? (This point also speaks to the fact that innovative development is happening, and so regarding your penultimate criticism, the Github isn't kept updated with completely current developments such as this for the good reason of preventing competitor copying.) This is just ridiculous, it's like we're not even talking about the same project.
It's one thing to have your doubts. Fine. I believe we'll all see for ourselves quite soon. But you're straw-manning the project and passing misinformation off as fact. That is what I'm calling out as unfair.