I'm now offering the service of sending glitter to your enemy!
You know who I'm talking about. Your ex. Your Boss. Your ex Boss. That douche who lets his dog leave presents in your yard.
If you've got their address, then you can have your revenge!
And this isn't just some glitter in an envelope. No no no... THIS is guaranteed to fling glitter everywhere! I won't tell you how (I don't want copy cats) but rest assured the mess will be amazing!
For the low-low price of 0.04 BTC you can anonymously wreck havoc on their home carpet. I use extra-fine glitter. They'll be finding those specks for months!!!
For outside the US please note that the price is 0.05 BTC
Message me for more details, or post your questions here.
Nice and original idea, hope you sell a lot of that, is if i find the right enemy y will contact you for sure.