According to , ethereum surpassed bitcoin in volume, mining reward ( aka most secure chain by hashrate ) and nodes, having 4 times more. To be noted that even though ethereum has 92% of bitcoin's transactions, technically it has MUCH more because tokens that work on it aren't taken into consideration.
Which means, today, ethereum surpassed bitcoin by any metric, except for the market cap. Some of you listened to trolls and thought ethereum is a scam, some of you saw past that.
Can you please explain how mining reward means most secure chain by hashrate?
Bitcoin maximalists brought this into existence. They kept claiming that the most secure chain by hashrate, aka the chain which pays miners the most (say, every ~24hours), is the most secure. Because by definition it is the hardest chain to 51% attack. Ethereum pays miners 9million a day, bitcoin 5mil and ETC less than 1mil. Let's look at etc. Because there's just 1 mil ( number pulled out of thin air, i didn't check ) to be shared among all miners, automatically the hashrate will be limited because you can't put as many miners to work on ETC compared to ETH, it becomes unprofitable so much faster. The less miners there are, the easier it gets if you wanna buy / rent hashrate to 51% attack.
Also other bitcoin maximalists arguments for "1 blockchain rule them all": market cap, transaction volume and trading volume. Today it is the second time ethereum surpasses bitcoin in volume. Market cap will be last. Very important to note: although ethereum has 97% of bitcoin's transactions, it surpassed it by a huge margin, because that doesn't take into account all the transactions these tokens that run on ethereum make.
@Ayers you are stupid. What i posted doesn't take into consideration the number of transaction and the volume of the tokens issued on ethereum. If it did, then etheruem would have more transactions than every other project combined, or close. I am talking about onchain ofcourse. Bitcoin has alot of offline transactions.