do u prefer short or long term investing in crypto i prefer short term only
i just buying a coin for ex at 20 and sold at 21 or buy at 60 sold 61 in the same
day i don't like long term investing because it take too long and finally that
coin can fall even peoples who bought ETH at 0.03 or more they are in big lost
now and even BNB some peoples bought at 0.003 or even 0.004 i know
that some coins can raise in the future but i don't think we have to hold
coins for yeras when u can make in this periode thousands of dollars
in short term investments i remember when i make 1700$ in hours
with NLC2 its a shit coin true with price of 20 sat now but i don't care
because i didn't hold it i just checked its chart and i found it falling
to 800 sat and raising to 900 in seconds so i bought it many times
at 800 and i sold it 900 and i make 1700$ i less then two hours

what i want to say is why u holding coins for a year when u can
make at least 25 - 50$ in a day with only 0.15 - 0.20 BTC this
means 50*365=18250$