Whats up with this project? It sounds very good, and I would definitely be interested in shorting bitcoins, litecoins, namecoins and solidcoins...
I think I could make huge money doing this...
Sorry, no solidcoins on my server. I don't want to get stuck holding the stupid coins to "back" the tokens traded on the server. (I don't want their code running on any of my machines.)
Where I am at so far is I have
a working Open Transactions server with asset contracts set up for a bunch of coin types, and have issued some coins into it though I do not have many of most types of coins. Now that the passphrase handling system is done I am able to run market-maker scripts again so am in the process of figuring out what exactly to have those scripts buy and sell and at what prices. I have some other scripts that examine fundamentals such as the reserves each asset actually has to figure out reasonable offers; these scripts of course loop to converge on values since obviously if Martian Botcoin goes down in value and the Brits, Canadians, and United Nations each hold Martian Botcoin in their reserves the value of their reserves changes, which changes the value these scripts will ascribe to their own coins, which the Martians likely have in their reserves so those changes further change the value of the Botcoins and so on. The scripts do converge though so that is looking good so far.
I also have scripts to do basic handling of hourly compounding interest, so I can make a simple file that sets original unix-date and original debt then any time run a script to tell me current value of the debt, and the scripts for evaluating reserves can take those values into account.
I do not have yet though a simple quick easy method, suitable for applying to umpteen people without human intervention, for doing margin accounts. My current approaches to things actually leads me to think about doing shorting not as an individual player activity at all but, rather, by creating a corp dedicated to shorting some specific thing, and let people trade shares of that corp.
There is a big lending boom ever since the
General Financial Corp was formed, due to a large amount of debt that had been paying 1% per day to General Mining Corp and General Retirement Corp being made aware by General Financial Corp of the possiblity of refinancing at lower interest rates. This has resulted in a bunch of entities looking to take over such secured loans and, as an aside, start thinking about how much money they might be able to make if they can design some more forms of secured loans.
So the basic financing picture is where I am at so far, maybe looking toward large players like with the
underwriter idea.
I am still actually somewhat dubious of the whole concept of shorting, since it seems to me the loaner is only going to loan you something at a profit, thus will either charge interest more than (s)he thinks you can drive the value down or will screw you nicely by buying on the market everything you borrow as soon as you put it on the market, and could even try to buy up so much that you cannot even find anywhere enough of what you borrowed to pay them back. Remember I am operating in a paradigm of no preferential asset; there is no magic asset that "by fiat" can pay all debts public and private. If you owe someone a rarecoin and they have bought up every single rarecoin, you are screwed.
That led me to thinking maybe the mechanism for implementing shorting should include putting on the market as much as you borrow of what you borrow, to absolutely guarantee there will for sure be enough of it there for you to buy to pay back the debt.
That in turn leads to thinking you might want your contract to include a specifying of exactly what price those emergency backup assets are to sit at in the orderbook, so you know what the worst case cost is going to be.
So basically it is all very much up in the air and even looking like a possibly entirely silly concept. Maybe simply going to bets of bitcoin and betting that the price of this that or the other thing will or will not hit a certain price on a certain market by a certain date might be a much more sensible enterprise. Except that such betting maybe cannot actually move a market...