I have been reading
this incredible thread written by nutildah. I can't even begin to imagine how much work was put into investigating the accounts and putting all the pieces together — my respect for nutildah and his research abilities.
But all this made me think. I am sure I can't be the only one who sees something troubling in threads like the one by nutildah. Troubling isn't the right word, but let's work with that for now. Some of you might be thinking:
What is this idiot talking about? I will cut to the chase.
When you look at nutildah's thread, you see a dedication to catch wrongdoers and expose them to the public. But in this process, something else happens. You get exact instructions of WHAT TO DO to not get caught. Let's focus only on this segment. Whoever operates multiple accounts or considers doing so, has a lot of great advice on this forum of what not to do, and how to cover his tracks better. Unfortunately, that is the other side of the scam busting medal. You are the scam investigator and teacher to scammers in one person.
Thread titles for these type of threads could very well be:
Step-by-step instructions of how not to get caught when using multiple accounts in signature campaigns! or
Avoid these mistakes to protect your alt accounts.
I feel like not everyone should have access to the scam accusations board, or at least to well-constructed threads like the one by nutildah. Now, if that means that I can't read them either, that's OK. We have an investigations board, and that one is not publicly available for JR. Members and lower ranks. Maybe scam investigations could walk down a similar path.
It is going to be very difficult to make changes, and I doubt there will be any. Scam accusations are supposed to be public for everyone, especially for newbies and new people in crypto. But consider the other side of the medal that I mentioned. If the methods, tools, sites, and services that scam busters use to catch cheaters were better protected, it wouldn't give those same cheaters new ideas to improve their 'work' to avoid detection. They would also not know what they are doing wrong that gets them caught.