Don't get me wrong, I think life should be protected and animals should not mistreated, but this just reeks to me as warm and fuzzy anti-human propaganda. People care more for animals than they do humans, and it is kind of sick IMO. Not that animals don't deserve to be cared for, but FFS. When you start doing things like this humans end up suffering for layers of bureaucracy that end up doing more harm than good, especially when there is no "victim" to speak , only a state interested in revenue collection. Some of the people I know who are the most fierce defenders of animal rights also have a corresponding lack of respect for the well being of humans.
Did you know that you can fit the entire human population of ~7 billion on the Isle of Man (I know, befitting right?
) which is only 221 sq miles?
This should give you an idea of how much space is being wasted right now. I wonder if you'd feel different about animal rights if someday an all-powerful alien race were to take over the earth and treat humans exactly the same as the rest of the animals, completely ignoring their much lauded intellectual capacity.