If you are not comfortable using it for now maybe seek more feedbacks comes from there user then see to it that if those people really getting a nice experience by using that platfrom.
Also so far using this for months never get any problem but since this is also new to me I didn't tend to put some huge volume of BTC since I'm to skeptical about using other platforms which I didn't used for years. So if you want to try maybe use only what you need for transaction or anything you want.
Yeah my main issue with the site was that a lot of the reviews were very old of people discussing it (a lot on reddit are 3+ years old and thing change - like how they were discontinued and then wasn't stopped).
I used both side there, buyer and seller
There are truly people ready to pay a premium price but like everywhere, there are always idiots trying to cheat the system.
From time to time I received Amazon vouchers but didn't know what to do with it, so Purse.io was good enough to get rid of.
Stupid thing since I could use the vouchers with Amazon Pantry but didn't know Pantry.
You're always at risk to get someone using stolen credit cards but nowadays this risk is low since we need to receive a SMS verification or Android notification (at least in EU, hard to pay something without a phone)
The only thing I wouldn't do with purse.io is to buy gift cards (if it's still possible)
Either the wish list or nothing
Yeah I did think another use of this was probably to hold bitcoin and, based on averages, you'd probably be up when you wanted to spend the crypto if you only had the take a cut of 15-20% and were planning to consolidate a few vouchers at once.
You can no longer buy vouchers or any digital products with it abs that's probably quite a good thing - if you buy something physical and wait a day or two for it to be delivered, it's less your fault and more amazon's/a bank's and the hacked. Most things bought with cards are refundable too. I got stuck putting in a 2fa code when trying to buy groceries to the same address registered with my bank so I guess they are quite responsive with security surrounding credit card usage (as well as chargeback potential making Amazon do better due diligence).