Should Online Casino Websites Require Risk Warnings, and Knowledge Assessment?
In my view, although gambling risk warnings are important I think the user's own judgment and knowledge of gambling risk management knows that, at the moment there are no online gambling sites that have made their main page with warnings like that and most likely they don't want to do it, because they know their goal is to attract visitors just to bet and have fun, regardless of the risks that occur on the field.
Gambling is different from trading in the crypto market, even though both sites prioritize money, gambling uses money to play, where everyone knows that the game has winners and losers, that is the initial concept, while in crypto trading the nature of what happens is buying, where before buying and before trading you have to be careful in choosing assets because they go up and down, that's why you need to have a risk warning.
While gambling is a game, it is not a matter of buying assets, you are free to choose the games available on the online gambling website, where each game has its own assessment and knowledge from the user, So the risk warning is up to them whether they want to gamble or not, every user has an assessment in that game, I think so.