A cashless policy is an economy that runs operates on zero cash. Not as if there will be no cash in circulation, but it will be done digitally and can be fully traceable.
Now, with countries experiencing inflation, the best way to curb this inflation is by using this method of going cashless as there will be no much paper money in existence.
But then, when these government bodies introduce these policies, they carefully scrap out the demerits of these proposals if I may call it that, because why worry about these "little disadvantages" when there is a world of good adopting such a policy could do for a country.
I took out time to do a little research on this cashless economy plan, and found that though there are positives, there are also some red flags that are worth pointing out.
1. Reduces crime rates as there is no tangible money to steal.
2. Decrease in money laundering
3. Less time and costs associated with handling, storing and depositing paper money.
4. Easier currency exchange.
1. Banks have full control of every single penny you own .
2. Every transaction you make is recorded.
3. Access to your own money can be blocked at the click of a button.
4. The government will decide what you can and cannot purchase
5. If your transaction are deemed in anyway questionable by those who create the questions, your money will be frozen "for your own good".
6. Potential data breach may expose personal information
7. Temptation to overexpand may increase.
If the world must go cashless, Bitcoin should be the better option, but as the government will always want to be in charge of your funds, CBDC is always projected by the government.
https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.managementstudyguide.com/cashless-economy-pros-and-cons.htm&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjNtYToxIT4AhXMyIUKHdrhC7MQFXoECAUQBg&usg=AOvVaw2132ZR98zH061TKrcKtzvuComments on Pros
1. The fact that there are no physical cash anymore, will not decrease theft. A criminal will just evolve and steal money digitally.
2. Money laundering are mostly done by large syndicates that has people inside the Banking system...
3. Yes..... and also less expenses for the government to create the money from Cotton/Silk/Metal like Copper etc.
4. Well, a lot of digital payments are perceived to be instant on the "user" side.
Comments on Cons
1. Banks already have full control over people's wealth. (It's all on their internal database)
2. See above
3. Banks close people's accounts on a push of a button now
4. Do they decide now? No, you can still access your money via the ATM and buy what you want.
5. People use third party wallets & exchanges.. those centralized entities does the same as Banks.
6. Not if you use Mixer services
7. Over spend? Well, I can fire up my Bitcoin wallet now..and go on a spending spree.... how is that different?