After many years of trading, I realized that I should have my own bitcoin exchange. With a volatile bitcoin market investing in a bitcoin exchange is really beneficial. I need more sincere advice? After consulting a number of suppliers. Only $ 10,000 for a bitcoin exchange. Details:
bitcoin exchange source code . With such an amount, should an bitcoin exchange be invested?
I think this is answered already and I may be repeating this enough, however this question too is highly subjective.
From trader into aspiring owner/founder of bitcoin exchange are two different perspective. The way how to manage an exchange involved a large sum of amount, knowing that it involved developers, experts, advisors and many more; 10 grand could only be wasted like other exhanges with little to nothing, valued right now.
In other words this is very risky, however it doesn't mean this is nothing. If you're committed to do it right, you need to work hard on it.
sometimes exchanges are created for founders profiteering without thinking their investors' interest