Hey iluvpie60, you too funny. No really, your silly. And almost all
of the so called news sites you listed are nothing less than corporate
controlled neo-fascist propaganda sites that obviously toe the official
Zionist line and barely anything else, and with very few exceptions!
Of course your so smart that you already knew that too, so I wont
point that out to you here. Just forget I even mentioned it.
Funnier still is that you omitted the very sites that are not in any
manner backed nor controlled by the very same neo-fascist
corporations, nor toeing the very pro-Zionist beliefs that you? and
certain others obviously hold such strong allegiance to.
As for worshiping two masters, it isn't possible.
Either your an American, and pledge allegiance solely to America first
and foremost, or your a traitor deserving a traitors execution, imo. Of
course iluvpie60 being smarter than anyone here he/she already knows
this too.
So, does any Israeli government Official first and foremost pledge their
allegiance to America instead of Israel? I think NOT.
So iluvpie60, why not just emigrate to Israel where your allegiance is
sworn to, and quit while your ahead? O right. Yea..., whatever...
And after all, your not remotely as smart as you think you are. Nor
are you and those like yourself even remotely the 'best & brightest' for
if you were you and yours wouldn't have required bailout after bailout
and endless QE to infinity, much less bonuses for failure after failure.
Nor would Israel need aid package after aid package for decade after
decade into obviously pepertuity in direct violation of international
nuclear treaties and US Law.
As for your neo-fascist, pro-Zionist news suggestions which are almost
all merely corporate controlled, neo-fascist propaganda, and chiefly
owned and controlled by the central banks themselves; Why did you fail
to mention any of the other sites that are today the most popular leading
real news portals, and real news sites anywhere? Gee, maybe because
you are a pro-Zionist shill? and a troll? following your masters marching
orders? Say it ain't so. Wait, forget I even said that. Just do the world,
and especially every loyal, faithful American Veteran a huge favor and go
jump off a tall building. Okay, just kidding, well, sorta...!
For the REAL NEWS, that this clown named iluvpie60 failed to mention,
that doesn't have any direct pro-Zionist backing nor agenda see the
following news portals and news sites at:
My own favored sites are listed first.
http://dollarcollapse.com/http://whatreallyhappened.com/http://rense.com/http://www.veteranstoday.com/Bitcoin Forum > Other > Politics & Society
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=34.0and in alphabetical order:
http://americanfreepress.net/http://www.blacklistednews.com/http://www.buzzflash.com/http://www.caseyresearch.com/http://drudgereport.com/http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/http://www.hangthebankers.com/http://investmentwatchblog.com/http://www.intellihub.com/http://rawstory.com/http://www.realjewnews.com/http://rt.com/news/http://rt.com/usa/http://www.zerohedge.com/http://www.toxigon.com/2013/09/working-links-list-to-darknet-aka-deep.htmlhttp://www.thedailybell.com/editorials/35526/Jeffrey-Berwick-What-Few-Know-About-TOR-Might-Shock-You/But lets give iluvpie60 credit about the following sites he mentioned
but failed to offer any links to:
http://drudgereport.com/http://www.infowars.com/ All news portals and news related sites have an agenda. It's up to
the readers to understand that, and to be very aware of this.
Increasingly an improved news source channel if one can handle
Alex Jones raspy voice... is:
Uploads from TheAlexJonesChannel - YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUvsye7V9psc-APX6wV1twLg Lastly, borrowing someone Else's equivalent words below:
written by Brandon Smith , September 18, 2014
I think it's important to point out the distinction between Zionism
and Judaism. Zionism is an extremist political movement, and has
little or nothing directly to do with the Jewish community as a whole.
Zionism was launched by British covert intelligence and many
non-Jews consider themselves Zionists.
Also, what the white-identity folks and others don't seem to
comprehend when they are listing off all the bankers of Jewish
descent is that these men are only Jewish by birth. They have NO
religious affiliations with Judaism as a whole, and they are actually
occultists. In fact, the elites are just as keen on destroying Jewish
people as they are to destroy Christians and Muslims. They have
no loyalties or affiliations to any one culture or religion. That is why
it is absurd when certain people make such broad claims that the
whole thing is a "Jewish Conspiracy". Utter nonsense. Most Jewish
people are victims of the elites, just like the rest of us.
http://www.alt-market.com/articles/2326-when-war-erupts-patriots-will-be-accused-of-aiding-qthe-enemyq No, I don't hate any group of people.
Nor do I hate any religious group.
Just get your minds out of the gutter.
And get real. Or get lost.
Re: Should we "Put on trial American officials loyal to Israel for treason"
American OFFICIALS have NO BUSINESS being loyal to any nation
except first and foremost The United States Of America, for which they
ALL swore an Oath to Defend & Protect from Foreign Powers.
NO, I am not scared nor will I cower to to any Neo-Bolsheviks, Fascists,
Globalists, Zionists, or Thugs of any type, nor to any foreign powers.
But it sure appears that many are scared witless of their own shadows,
and scared of everyone else for that matter. Thus proving how cowardly
they all really, truly are, and how they don't deserve Freedom, nor any
Liberty either, much less any Rights.