Here's a bit from my logs in freenode's #bitcoin-otc from June 20/21 to flesh out FooDSt4mP a little bit:
< FooDSt4mP> you should see the virri im writing now#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:16 < FooDSt4mP> foodst4mp will be on the btc times main page soon 0
< FooDSt4mP> i have some nasty shit coming out#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:16 < FooDSt4mP> just for shits and giggles
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:16 < FooDSt4mP> i havemt written one in years
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:16 < FooDSt4mP> nah
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:16 < FooDSt4mP> its just for fun an games
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:17 < FooDSt4mP> hey will you download and run something if i send it to you
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:17 < FooDSt4mP>
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:18 <@vragnaroda> 07:16 < FooDSt4mP> you should see the virri im writing now <-- s/virri/viruses/ and not cool
< FooDSt4mP> szTheVictim db "bitcoin.exe",0#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:18
< FooDSt4mP> RandWallet db "%s-wallet.dat",0#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:18
< FooDSt4mP> AppData db "AppData",0#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:18
< FooDSt4mP> wallet db "%s\Bitcoin\wallet.dat",0#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:18
< FooDSt4mP> random_seed dd ?#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:18
< FooDSt4mP> res dd 0[/b]
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:18 < FooDSt4mP> arrrrrgh
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:18 < FooDSt4mP> you should see the other 4 pages i have so far
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:18 < FooDSt4mP> asm is the shit
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:19 < FooDSt4mP> gonna make one for linux too
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:19 < FooDSt4mP> linux i can make a reaaaal nasty one.. well slackware/debian/mandrake anyways
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:19 < FooDSt4mP> also depends on services enabled
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:20 < briareus> FooDSt4mP: good thing I run Plan9
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:20 < FooDSt4mP> whats plan9?
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:20 < dcash> i told u FooDSt4mP was hardcore
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:20 <@vragnaroda> FooDSt4mP:
< FooDSt4mP> my first little snipe domain which is 3 days old has already netted me over 1200 coins just fyi#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:21 < FooDSt4mP> and that was the c++ version which sucked
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:21 < briareus> FooDSt4mP: prove it
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:21 < FooDSt4mP> this one is way better
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:21 < FooDSt4mP> i dont have to prove anything :0
< FooDSt4mP> i have some really fun ideas that are secret.. so.. down the road i will be known as the virri/hacker/etc not the scamme r#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:22 < FooDSt4mP> hehe
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:22 < picci> FooDSt4mP: the evils cammer returns.
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:22 < FooDSt4mP> i never left
IF YOU GOOGLE the first line of this code he pasted:
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:18 < FooDSt4mP> szTheVictim db "bitcoin.exe",0 will find a very short list of returns. clicking both of them makes it pretty clear what the attempt is.
google search for that code: result link: result link:'m not sure when the second link was put up, but it was indexed by google on 24 June (according to google cache).
Also, from the chat logs of that night:
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:48 < FooDSt4mP> im a liar
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:48 < FooDSt4mP> i dont steal wallets
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:48 < FooDSt4mP> i just fantisize about it
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:48 < DontMindMe> :-) i'm probably one of the most honest people in here actually. <---- lol'd, nope.
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:49 < FooDSt4mP> well uck
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:49 < FooDSt4mP> fuck
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:49 < cgmc> FooDSt4mP: you're a regular American Psycho
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:49 < FooDSt4mP> nah, not really :0
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:51 < FooDSt4mP> its worth shit
#bitcoin-otc-2011-06-21:06:51 < FooDSt4mP> its to get silver
...It's to get silver. There's also this gem where he claims to own Ben Franklin's eyeglasses:
06:34 < briareus> FooDSt4mP: you're acting like you now have something to prove....
06:34 < briareus> [06:21] < FooDSt4mP> i dont have to prove anything :0 <-- BILLBOARD
06:34 < FooDSt4mP> 6667 dcash ill say that in the video
06:34 < FooDSt4mP> imma show you my million $ wall
06:34 < FooDSt4mP> imma get on that here within the next bit, ill have it up soon
06:35 < FooDSt4mP> ben franklins bifocals, george washingtons casket, his hair, autographs from over 12 prez's.. we're gonna have a museum up today
06:35 < FooDSt4mP> i dont have anything to prove i just wanna show everybody my shit
06:36 < FooDSt4mP> i wanna sell some of it
06:36 < FooDSt4mP> i have 700+ oz of gold here
06:36 < FooDSt4mP> about 1000 or so of silver
06:36 < FooDSt4mP> wanna flip the au for ag
06:37 < FooDSt4mP> between the 3 guys in this house, we make over 1M USD a year. For somebody to think im on here scamming, its just funny to me
06:37 < FooDSt4mP> it tickles me pink
06:37 < FooDSt4mP> ive had fame for a long long time :0
06:37 < FooDSt4mP> ill be fine
06:38 < FooDSt4mP> i havent done hookers/blow in a long long time
... So FooDSt4mP is not someone who shies away from making claims that seem... inflated.
Finally, for a guy who says the information about him being in Dallas is incorrect, there's this little bit:
18:59 < FooDSt4mP> Jun 9, 2011 Debit Card Signature Purchase To TIGER CABARET DALLAS TX Completed Details Debit Card Signature Purchase To TIGER CABARET DALLAS TX 2A761794XV4
17313F -$220.00 $0.00 -$220.00 USD
18:59 < FooDSt4mP> Select record 4 Jun 9, 2011 Debit Card Signature Purchase To TIGER CABARET DALLAS TX Completed Details Debit Card Signature Purchase To TIGER CABAR
ET DALLAS TX 3LB27548P7925115P -$110.00 $0.00 -$110.00 USD hehehehe
18:59 < FooDSt4mP> i ended up blowing 3k that night
18:59 < iera> FooDSt4mP: what did you do?
18:59 < FooDSt4mP> got my room mate a bunch of strippers
If you think this FooDSt4mP character isn't full of shit and a thief, you haven't interacted with him enough. I WAS IN #bitcoin-court that day (11th of June iirc) when he was being accused of stealing bitcoin from another user. As soon as the other user produced the block explorer link showing the transaction had occurred, FooDSt4mP went silent and conveniently timed out and was gone for days. Hence all his negative ratings here: