I think in addition to the scam session that has been created on the forum, to expose some of these scammers, everyone should take it upon him or herself to ensure that he searches for every information available, just to ensure that his fund is safe.
I'm just thinking of different approach like this forum should charge some big amount (maybe refundable after some locking period) for announcing any altcoin or ICO. So that only people who are all having all the reasons might be thinking about starting a project and scammers may start staying away from here. Fee for announcing a new project may not be a final solution here, but similar to anything like that will be at least restrict in some level so that we can go for analysing who are all legit will become comparatively easier task.
When this entire community will be working on ensuring who are all legit and what are projects should be classified as "safe" for working, then probably be can have healthier crypto environment in real soon. Already lot of people are working like this for finding out spammers in meta section now they just need to extend their work into ICO industry.
Hopefully we are going to have some initiative with the help of DT members as per few of my friends have already notified about a progress on this. This must be a highly demanded initiative for many people here and I'm really glad that you are going to have it in real time.