This is strange 36 hours is up and Op hasn't declared the winner.
lol lets face it, op was just tryna promote his site for free by "hosting a sig contest", also its a investment site with unrealistic returns.
Doesn't have to be. He escrowed the amount for this contest afaik, and it would be dumb to leave it at this w/o declaring a winner.
At the least they would expand their "promotion" a few days by doing so, and btw; i doubt this contest is giving them any really exposure
Well as much as I hate ponzis and people who promote them that is not true according to master-p's post here:
Hash: SHA512
I have been asked to help escrow the prize funds for this signature design contest hosted by "anonymousinvest".
The prize funds will be held in escrow in this address until the end of the contest where prizes will be distributed by me accordingly:
1Pnse1nfiTeSWRScc6tDSwZdBFFRZRNvM7Escrow by master-P: PGP SIGNATURE-----
Version: Keybase OpenPGP v2.0.47
Doesn't have to be. He escrowed the amount for this contest afaik, and it would be dumb to leave it at this w/o declaring a winner.
At the least they would expand their "promotion" a few days by doing so, and btw; i doubt this contest is giving them any really exposure
Yes, OP wants this contest thread to stay on top as much as possible to promote his scam. I doubt there will be a campaign for this site. This is a HYIP. Participants of the sig campaign might get neg trusted.
I think it would be dumb to escrow the amount get the signatures and cancel the campaign at the last minute, pretty sure OP will run a campaign but considering the fact that no one from Oremine which is also a ponzi, has got a negative trust for promoting a ponzi in their signature, I wouldn't be sure on that statement as well.