- No NSFW content.
- No scams or shady businesses.
- No coloured backgrounds.
- I have the right to reject bids or advertisements. You can offer a different one of course.
- If the service turns out to be a scam, I'll remove the ad and your money will not be refunded.
- The auction winner must provide payment and the signature ad code within 48 hours of a request via PM.
- Your signature will have an "Advertisement: " text before it, a notice and should fit within the following example:
Advertisment: | | BTC: | LTC: | Websites advertised in my signature are not endorsed by me. | | NXT: | DOGE: | Advertise here. |
The minimum bid is 0.05 BTC, the bids should be evenly divisible by 0.01 BTC. The auction will end on July 1st default forum time (UTC +0000) if there is at least 1 valid bid. If there isn't one, it'll end 1 week after the first valid bid is placed. Any bid made in the last 3 hours of the auction will add 30 minutes to the auction end date. The winner's advertisement will run for 1 month.
Example for both valid and invalid bids:
0.03 BTC <------- INVALID, lower than minimum bid
0.06 BTC <------- VALID
0.061 BTC <------- INVALID, bid is not evenly divisible by 0.01 BTC
0.25 BTC <------- VALID
0.2556642 BTC <------- INVALID, bid is not evenly divisible by 0.01 BTC