The only thing I couldn't understand is why no one else can spot that Silkcoin was exactly like a bunch of other scams.
You would think after people lost money on scams like Nummus, Edgecoin, Coinmart etc they would spot the same guys involved a mile off.
Same design, same promises of a decentralized exchange, same thread 90% of Newbies telling each other they have the best coin in the world, same premine, same video design. The amazing thing with the video was I can't be 100% cause they deleted the old one but i'm 99% it was even the same video as Nummus with the logo changed. People must of seen it!
To me it was the obvious thing in the world. But not one person backed me up that must of seen those scams.
guy... it was no scam... you made it a scam...
WTF are you talking about?
ok, lets help you a little.
You are a coin developer and want to implement something later. You are announcing it and are working on it. Really fucking hard.
But somehow it doesn't work. Ok you have a delay. But people are screaming already "scam". The longer to take, the more they are screaming.
Especially our well know trolls. So now you have only 2 choices. And how you choose depends on your charakter.
Choice 1: the stable character
He goes on and is working harder because he wants to show the people, that he didn't scam with that feature. And finally he will release and rescue the coin.
Choice 2: the less stable character
He thinks: I was working that hard and they only call me scammer? Fuck you all! And it turns out to be a real scam (keep in mind, it was not before!). He is implementing the feature probably even in another coin, because those people didn't call him scammer... that was the revenge...
Guess what the majority of people are? Are they stable?