With our dICO invention (decentralized ICO system which is utilizing our available decentralized exchange and zksnark based BTC/alts anonymizing technology) we from the komodoplatform think this field will change radically in the coming months. Given recent events in the legal area of ICOs - this promising tech is solving a lot of existing issues.
I will just quote what James Lee posted back at the end of this summer:
The most important part of a decentralized crypto coin/asset's lifecycle, the ICO, is centralized. Being centralized it is subject to the whims of goverment decrees about what can and cannot be ICO'ed. As long as you pay the required toll fees, you will be granted a license to sell coins/assets, unless it is deemed that it wont be approved for whatever reason. As far as how long this process takes, well, totally in the hands of whatever government agency is dealing with it.
People should have the right to barter what they own for whatever they want (assuming it is not a universally illegal item). People should also have a right to privacy, or at least a right to not self-incriminate.
Any government is free to proclaim any specific crypto to be totally illegal for its own citizens. However, it is not right that any single government can dictate to the rest of the world what is and isnt illegal. Assuming we can agree on this, we can create a totally decentralized ICO, that also happens to make it exponentially more difficult for whales to gobble up the entire amount for themselves.
A fully decentralized ICO as compared to a centralized ICO would be like torrents versus napster. As much as a government would like to be able to control (dictate) what people can do with their own money, they wont be able to.
There are two sides to an ICO, the offering side and the purchasing side. We will assume that the purchaser is an adult who is capable of thinking for themselves and does not need a nanny state to decide for them what they are able to do with their own assets. Furthermore, invoking the thousands of years old right to barter, it could well be that lawyers can find grounds in common law to supercede the more recent regulations. After all, if you own something shouldnt you be able to barter it for something else? If you are prevented from doing this, in effect, you have lost ownership and if you didnt consent to this, it seems a lot like a theft has taken place.
In case that your rights are being infringed, it should be within your rights to mitigate damages using reasonable means. Like using the Komodo Platform.
The first step is to create funds that are private and only you know how to access. Since you are the only one that knows this, only you can incriminate yourself (if it is indeed against your local regulations for obtaining an ICO). We will assume that you prefer not to self-incriminate nor do you feel like giving up your privacy. What you do with your private funds privately bartering for an ICO, can only hurt yourself in case it is not a good ICO. However, we already covered the part where you are an adult and will do your homework. If the ICO goes bad, you have only yourself to blame. This is crypto.
By using JUMBLR, you can create private KMD to use as you deem.
Now, let us envision a barterDEX orderbook full of the ICO's utxos. You can use barterDEX to barter your private KMD utxos for the ICO's. It is a direct swap without anybody in between. There can be no money transmitter issues if it is your private KMD being swapped directly. Now you converted your private KMD into a private amount of the ICO in a totally private address. Nobody knows this happened except you. This is true financial freedom.
Let us look on the issuer's side. If to use the Komodo Platform's assetchains, it turns out that technically it isnt an ICO at all, as all the coins are issued on the first mined block. This is done privately by the issuer. If running a blockchain and issuing coins to yourself is not legal, well, it seems you are in a totalitarian state and must make plans to relocate.
Now you have all the coins for the ICO, you then split it up into a large number of small utxos and distribute it across dozens (or hundreds) of servers around the world. It is hard to fathom any way that this process violates any laws of any country that respects human rights. In this case, the right to use computers and the internet.
Now we have thousands of utxos of a small enough size to be below any reasonable KYC requirement. Of course, the issuer should have legal representation and a friendly jurisdiction (like Singapore or Isle of Mann) to be the domicile for all the legal paperwork. It might be that an IP based geo-filtering for USA and China might need to be added to prevent citizens of those countries from violating their own laws. We might need all participants to self-certify they are not doing anything against their own local laws or at least indemnify the issuer against any damages.
Now the issuer runs the barterDEX and sets prices for the utxos and as soon as this is done, the people can ordermatch and obtain part of the ICO. However, it is easy to notice that it is not a matter to make one giant whale sized order to obtain the entire amount offered. The global distribution and usage of the barterDEX process limits the number of utxos any single person can obtain at a time. Given a large demand, all diligent participants are expected to acquire a proportional amount to their bids.
Another advantage to the decentralized ICO is that there is an immediate trading market, in fact, it was via this secondary trading market that the ICO was distributed. So all decentralized ICOs will start trading right away.
The Komodo Plaform utilizes is existing technology base of JUMBLR and barterDEX to create a game changing method for conducting a fully decentralized ICO. Monaize will be the first of many such decentralized ICOs.