This is very cool and all, but I really don't think many people who actually know about cryptocurrency will ever buy this book. It seems way too simple, and is probably geared more at the general public who don't know anything about blockchain and bitcoin. Here's a quote from the article that made my opinion:
"Courey explains that a blockchain is similar to a public Google document that’s 'shared with everyone and that can only be edited by buying or selling bitcoin.'"
More power to him for being 11 years old and writing a book -- that's an amazing accomplishment. However, for most people on these forums, I think they're better off just reading through any boards here or asking questions they may have here as well. They'll get the same, if not better, information to work with.
True though this is still publicity. Kids might actually look it up since it they'd see that it was by someone their age. I suppose the writing-style is also appropriate for that age group. We should think of bitcoin in the long run. A lot of the older people today might never get into it. Kids though, if even a fraction of them do, it might have a greater chance of becoming more widespread, not just for trading we are doing now but as currency they'd demand be supported by establishments.
This is definitely true in my eyes -- I think this is catered for the younger population, but I also think that if I were to teach kids about investing in general, I would not talk about bitcoin and cryptocurrency first. I think that after a while, if they're investing in volatile currencies, they could be driven by a "I want to get rich quick" motive which is very hard to break away from and could have strong negative impacts with just a few wrong investments. Instead, I would start off with the stock markets and just basic understandings.
I would, however, definitely find this a good book if it solely talked about the technology behind Bitcoin.