Hi there, is there a way to generate a "cold" wallet? I mean a private/public key combination that I can store in a text file only?
Get client working, generate addresses, then verify that Skycoin transactions are working
For Windows:
Install virtual box
get mint with mate desktop
For APT based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, ...) type :
sudo apt-get install curl git mercurial make binutils gcc bzr bison libgmp3-dev -y
brew install mercurial bzr
Setup Skycoin:
Open a terminal window and type :
git clone
https://github.com/skycoin/skycoin.gitcd skycoin
The last command will install a Go version manager and the current Go version, it will also take care of downloading all the dependencies.
Now it is setup
Generating Addresses, public keys, private keys:
To get help and options for the address generation command type in console :
go run ./cmd/address_gen/address_gen.go --help
To generate 5 addresses deterministically from a password seed :
go run ./cmd/address_gen/address_gen.go -seed="passphrase" -n=5
The above command will print the public key, the private key and the address, if you only want to show the addressess put the p and s parameters to false as in :
go run ./cmd/address_gen/address_gen.go -seed="passphrase" -n=5 -p=false -s=false
Deterministic wallets are good, because you cannot lose the private keys as long as you remember the password. however, you should use a good password, or a random SHA256 hash and write it down somewhere
A good password may be some (more than 12) space separated random words, this is both strong and convenient for storage purposes (printed), it will also be easier to type if required at some point. Please do note that in the example code passphrase is used, but wouldn't be a good password candidate.
Running Skycoin Full Node:
go run ./cmd/skycoin/skycoin.go -web-interface=true
then goto:
also, to generate wallets and pubkeys
go run ./cmd/address_gen
to run wallet (which is probably broken)
API endpoints
Troubleshooting FAQ
#!/usr/bin/env bash
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
pushd "$DIR/compile" >/dev/null
# Install gvm
echo "Installing gvm and go1.4"
[[ -s "$HOME/.gvm/scripts/gvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.gvm/scripts/gvm"
gvm use go1.4
# Add to $GOPATH
echo "Installing skycoin to \$GOPATH"
# Install dependencies
echo "Installing or updating skycoin dependencies"
echo "Done"
echo "Do './run.sh -h' to confirm it is installed. This runs the daemon."
echo "README.md has further instructions for building and running the gui."
popd >/dev/null
Addresses for test coins: