
Topic: SkyPortal.Ru tokens on DEX WAVES platform (Read 638 times)

jr. member
Activity: 47
Merit: 29
March 09, 2020, 11:49:06 PM
A new blockchain entry. Congratulations. But why did you choose the Waves platform? Waves hasn't made a big move in years. I think it would be better if you preferred the Ethereum platform. You can still do it properly. Don't lose your excitement.

Thank you for your question and support, I randomly distribute tokens among people and would like to send some to You, do You have a wallet on the Waves platform? I chose the Waves platform because it is the easiest and most intuitive way to create a token in 2 clicks. I also consider the Ethereum platform as an alternative
jr. member
Activity: 47
Merit: 29
The oldest crypto exchange Bittrix has an affiliate program 10%
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January 22, 2020, 10:45:11 AM
Trade line is a service created by traders for traders. Auto-investigation, strategies, crypto market
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January 21, 2020, 01:40:12 PM
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Brave BAT или кaк cмoтpeть YouTube бeз peклaмы
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December 09, 2019, 04:40:03 PM
A new blockchain entry. Congratulations. But why did you choose the Waves platform? Waves hasn't made a big move in years. I think it would be better if you preferred the Ethereum platform. You can still do it properly. Don't lose your excitement.
jr. member
Activity: 47
Merit: 29
December 09, 2019, 02:55:50 PM
The audience of the private browser Brave exceeded 10 million users. New BAT payouts
Ayдитopия пpивaтнoгo бpayзepa Brave пpeвыcилa 10 млн пoльзoвaтeлeй. Hoвыe выплaты BAT
jr. member
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November 16, 2019, 10:35:55 AM
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jr. member
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October 29, 2019, 06:51:46 AM
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jr. member
Activity: 47
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October 21, 2019, 01:00:16 PM
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jr. member
Activity: 47
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ByBit — 28% profit in two days | SkyPortal Investment blog
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jr. member
Activity: 47
Merit: 29
$ 10 from bybit crypto exchange and valuable margin trading experience | SkyPortal Investment blog
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jr. member
Activity: 47
Merit: 29
Maybe WAVES is a good altcoins. But I don't like tokens created on the WAVES platform. Because they are not as easy to use as ERC20. At the same time, as far as I am concerned, the DEX of WAVES platform is not friendly to use.

I agree with you, there are lots of problems with tokens on the platform waves, in particular with respect to the listing of the tokens to the various exchanges with respect to the use of the platform waves to trade, transfer of cryptocurrency and release tokens, it's convenient, easy and cost-effective platform that continues to evolve and she has a future
jr. member
Activity: 47
Merit: 29
Received $ 10 for registration on the ByBit exchange | skyportal Investment blog
Пoлyчил 10$ зa peгиcтpaцию нa биpжe ByBit | Инвecтициoнный блoг SkyPortal
jr. member
Activity: 47
Merit: 29
Airdrop exchange BitMart ended. Results | skyportal Investment blog
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Activity: 298
Merit: 10
Maybe WAVES is a good altcoins. But I don't like tokens created on the WAVES platform. Because they are not as easy to use as ERC20. At the same time, as far as I am concerned, the DEX of WAVES platform is not friendly to use.

jr. member
Activity: 47
Merit: 29
BitMart Airdrop for users Reddit | Investment blog SkyPortal
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Tags: AirDrop FreeTokens FreeToken Crypto
jr. member
Activity: 47
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When to sell tokens #BQQQ exchange #Bitsdaq | Investment blog #SkyPortal
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jr. member
Activity: 47
Merit: 29
Just another third party token, I still do not get why waves allowing so much garbage to appear on their platform. The DEX itself is also not so great for traders because the only pair that has volume is Waves/BTC.

Why do you think my project is garbage? Maybe I misunderstood you. I have been creating websites and advertising campaigns on the Internet since 2006, I released a token, as another tool, to attract potential customers. This is also an exciting experiment for me and a new experience. As for the WAVES platform, it is really very simple to create tokens on it, of course, fraudsters use this, BUT, the amazing availability of blockchain technologies for everyone using the WAVES platform as an example, is a step forward for the entire crypto industry, more people will get experience of interacting with this environment and this is good
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