Um, sex education at an early age reduces the rate of marriage at a young age and free sex at a young age in our country but I'm sad why gambling isn't included in extracurricular education at school.
when I was at school there were many institutions that educated about the dangers of drugs because that I know what the negative and positive impacts of drugs are.
Gambling is an activity that cannot be eradicated from the earth at any time, but players must have good self-control to prevent bad things from happening to them.
Except in the developed countries,the sex education was not implemented in any developing country.So it’s very hard to implemented the gambling education,it may be suitable one for the developed nation.It may suitable to the country where gambling is approved by the their country.This will be the approved by the developed country government.US,Belgium,Australia,Canada are the countries people were allowed to do gambling on their wish.So the gambling education must be implemented in this country as first.If it will be successful one,the same can be followed by the other developing nation.
Everything that is educational for me will always be trustworthy, especially for teenagers and children who somehow have access to certain platforms, because they can do it like that, whatever it takes to educate and to avoid any problems in the future. present themselves is very good, I say it from the point of view that a person can become addicted to gambling as long as they can have access to certain things, such as slot machines, which are only the most common, the easiest for children to understand. and for teenagers, or for those who are minors, the moment it is implemented, even in a school, I learned this from gaming platforms, casinos, blockchain, it is in some way informative for others to begin to get involved in this.
Now if this is implemented in schools and everything becomes good, then I believe that a culture towards caisnos will be created, and this will prevent in the future people from becoming addicts, or getting carried away by the things they Realities seem bad, or that they can cause a person to lose control.
In this order of ideas we can think that this will be good, there is no need to hide the information, we must not think that things with the casino are bad, they have to be made known, just as gambling is made known, well The same will apply so that children, adolescents also give them some financial education, that they learn more about the crypto culture, that they know that governments, that third parties want to take advantage of this technology to collect taxes when this was also created so that They will not pay absolutely anything, this is only what can cause good things, also create awareness in them, not that they are based on the system where they are taught to be slaves and cannot have access to things as in reality, even when they are adults, They already know how to act in front of a casino, in front of bitcoin technology, this is the only thing we can do.