The request from iasenko is great, and is helpful if someone want to visit old threads, that they already sent merits to OPs previously. It is very easily to see your name in list of merit senders if OPs have not yet received too many merits. In threads, that OPs received huge merits, and list of merit senders is very long, feature to
bold, color, glow username if people already merited OPs is excellent ideas.
It is just a requrested idea, but I don't think there are very convincing reasons to come back huge threads - that already received hundreds of merits to send OPs additional merits. There are more others need merits and deserve merits for their good contributions, but still not yet receive merits for their good posts.
crtl+f and type your name.
Damn it! You are so smart. I forgot this feature.
Thank you. I checked, and result is good.
Nevertheless, not all users -
especially newbies - know about that feature, or forgot about it; so the request from iasenko still makes sense.