There are a few dimensions to the problem that are interrelated yet distinct: sMerit in circulation (in a given period of time), the number of Senders that participate in the Merit System and the number of Receivers.
The sMerit in circulation has got to do with what forum members have, their meriting standards (and the evolution of the standards), the amount of time they can spend playing the meriting game, and what’s on the other end of the TX: the decent to good post, sometimes well placed and visible, others hidden under a pile of debris/detritus. Topic and degree of technicality also plays a role. This dimension determines both the number of people that can rank-up, and the speed.
The sMerit Senders are a critical dimension, since they are both a player and a referee at the same time in the game. There comes a time (and we may be there right now) when the number of players get too low for what was set-out to be a fairly universal game in principle. The Merit System I figure should be played by more than 657 players per week. For the size of the member base of this forum, the number of players is weak. Fortunately, we have some real heavy players (Merit Sources) here, but the set of eyes to scout and merit is pretty small for all the posting that goes on. This is for me a key aspect: increasing the number of eyes in the game. If they end up meriting the same guys as before, so be it, but I’d say they will bring more merit Receivers into the game which should be good.
Increasing Merit Sources and placing them strategically in the right places (and that is the most difficult part) would be part of the process, but the ultimate goal would be to get more people into the game of sending, not “just” Merit Sources.
The sMerit Receivers are the active/passive dimension to the game. Their role is to create content that is decent enough, distinguishing their post from the cesspit of spam. Increasing this dimension is an ultimate goal of the game, but that depends on the personal intentions here, the innate capabilities one has, and how well the other two dimensions are balanced and dimensioned.
Though you don't clearly state out but I think you have the same opinion with me: there should be more merit sources. I see some nice applications out there but unfortunately no one has been approved yet.
Yes we concur here, but as part of the path to get more players into the awarding game. The trends shown in the OP on the Senders chart are increasingly descending, granted that at a slower pace in Q3 than Q2 and Q2 than Q1, but still descending 19% in Q3 so far. That does not strike me as too great.
The reasons you say are true, but what I’m stressing here is that the Merit System should be played by more people on the sender’s side, to give everyone a healthy chance at being merited if they deserve it. The more eyes on the board the easier this should become.
With regards to the Alts self-meriting, these will logically have done so by now for the most I guess, but I can’t back this up with data. What is a big question mark for me is what could happen with all the sMerit from the initial airdrop that has not been put into their first circulation at any point. The quantity of such is way above what has actually been awarded in total so far, so that is a potential pool of merit abuse that can be slowly leaked into the system at any time… or not. It’s just that there is a lot from the airdrop that is stalled, and you never know how it could be played with if at all.
The question is whether we are happy at the steady state level we are at, and I think the general consensus is no. I don't think we should be forcing people to give out more merit than they would otherwise - better instead to make more merit sources and therefore keep the merit system as decentralized as possible.
That is my main concern really, getting more people into the awarding game in order to give potential board-wide forum members a decent chance to be spotted and merited. That dimension (Senders) is decreasing quarter after quarter in two digit figures. The second concern (in a lesser degree than the former) would be quantity per TX. This latter affects the speed of people ranking (you only have to see how the Ranking-up pipeline is clogged on the Merit Dashboard).
Perhaps the merit system has just been implemented, many merit sources may be too harsh for Smerit's send, only demanding high-quality posts, have to say that some posts may not be of such high quality, <…>
That is something I personally try to correct, although it is not that easy. I find that my criteria evolves over time, but try to change the mind-set when visiting sections such as the Beginners & Help. What I do find is that things tend to be repetitive to some extent, so it often happens that the early worm gets the bird and that later replies of a similar nature in other threads go unmerited.
Good read of the situation. My only additional comment is that Merit Sources should be a booster to the Merit System, but really just a steppingstone to getting more people into the game.
The role of merit is definitely getting more and more important, especially for new people on the forum. Add to that more and more new signature campaigns began to ask a minimum number of merits as necessary to have to join and this minimum is raising. That's why I decided to give merits only to ranks under Hero member to help them.
Heroes have an urge for merit too really. Currently there are 426 Heroes lacking merit to rank-up, 406 of them have only between 40% and 60% of the required sMerit (that is, most of it is originated in the initial sMerit airdrop).
In my personal case, I’ve awarded less than 20% of my 363 sent sMerits to Legendries. Really, if campaigns signatures start demanding earned merit as a requirement more often, they too will need it to participate. What before seemed conceptually unnecessary (but served as a means for recognizing their posts), could soon turn 180 degrees and be a necessity for them too.