Lots of people did.
Nobody thought they'd actually have 850,000 BTC missing.
actually the market "knew", and it was obvious
Well my first read of the situation was mild incompetence compounded by their typical tendency to over-react to anything and completely fuck up the PR side, i.e. panic induced unnecessarily over a minor problem, so I was kind of expecting for any coins to be "made good" eventually, say in 2 months. Given that traders see that as an eternity and panic easily spreading among the sheeple contingent, I did not necessarily think the price was "too" cheap, and indicative of complete meltdown. However, knowing that Karpeles was a proud man and a tendency for the thinking over there to be "We am Bitcoin" as soon as he resigned the Bitcoin Foundation, I knew it was serious shit, so did not continue through other avenues (Such as Bitcoin Builder)
In general, due to their previous histrionics and dumbass plays, I avoided them for trading in the past, I mean what's the point of being on there to get the highest highs on the market if they're gonna lag 2 hours or shutter the doors. However, those seemed to be "short term untrustworthy" rather than "long term untrustworthy" kind of indicators.
Anyway, I'm rather relieved now that they have finally gone down the drain and their various incidences of stupidity are no longer going to affect the market for everyone else.