
Topic: 'Social Distancing' Is Snake Oil, Not Science (Read 290 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
August 10, 2020, 05:59:00 PM
Motorhome, even a small one, is a good idea. Purchase several lots around the country, and maybe some in other, neighboring countries. Put up an oversized garage on each lot. Then, travel around the country, stopping at your nearest garage, where you have a little space to sprawl, while your basic living needs are handled by the motorhome. See the sights all over the place.

When you get tired of an area, sell your land there, and buy another chunk of land in a new area you want to visit for a while. Most places will allow you to put up a garage and live out of it in your motorhome, for a period of time.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
i think jetcash is hinting that he lives in a motorhome. and has to borrow morrisons(US:safeways) free wifi to get on the internet

but thats more about a lifestyle choice jetcash made about his life. but blames it on others
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
The real social distancing comes from the wealthy elite buying islands and large estates, and living a long distance from Hilary Clinton's deplorables. The latter are having to live in cars and tents amidst human detritus, including faeces, in cities like San Francisco.

What's interesting is, in the USA, about 1/3 of the land is set aside as national and State forest and wilderness land, where people are not allowed to live.

Activity: 2800
Merit: 2472
The real social distancing comes from the wealthy elite buying islands and large estates, and living a long distance from Hilary Clinton's deplorables. The latter are having to live in cars and tents amidst human detritus, including faeces, in cities like San Francisco.
sr. member
Activity: 1232
Merit: 379
Actually, social distancing is a great procedure for stopping, but not basically the exact means of stopping the spread of virus, this is some how hard to practice because we haven't been into this cave if only that could be used to as a daily thing. Most citizens sees it as a mean of punishment.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
I agree with this, on the contrary, we need social cohesion in order to defeat this virus (if it is as dangerous as we are told about it).
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
Everything related to quarantine, closing borders and other things - this is most likely in order to stabilize the economy and the state of people (both physical and mental).
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
^^^ Christianity in today's language includes a lot of people who are Christians in name only.

If you are talking about real and true Christians, you are talking about people who communicate with the all-pervading Holy Spirit, and are thereby in touch with the fullness of reality.

Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
Social distancing is a religion against Christianity. The Christian religion relies on closeness of Christians to other Christians. Certainly temporary social distancing is acceptable to Christians. But the time is for all kinds of religions to start their coming together, again.

In addition, the 1st Amendment allows freedom of religion. Many government people who are enforcing social distancing are breaking their oath of office. Time to sue them? For money? After all, many churches could use a little more money.


Finally, you are getting it.  Christianity is a social club.

More like, "One Book" book club.
Activity: 2744
Merit: 1174
Just wait until the lockdown is over there will be many more deaths dew to people's weaker immune system thanks to less floral bacteria we interact with on a daily basis that keeps our immune system sharp and alert to threats also locking people inside with limited exposure to others or to sunlight will cause a deficiency in vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in autoimmune disease and is the cause of many other types of infections.

If the virus won't kill you the lack of immune system after being told to self isolate will.

Don't listen to them do your own thing stand up to these criminals who want to have everyone in the world injected with there toxic vaccines and never forget the MMR jab that cause millions of children to descend into autism they covered that one up.

It's about time people stopped talking and started taking action against this world trinity.

There's also the matter of your mental health. I'm sure that you know that stress weakens your body and your immune system. Those older people who feel vulnerable and hide at home worrying that they might catch a deadly virus are on the road to self destruction. I believe they will eventually get covid, but if they don't, they will have other health problems due to the way they're living right now.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373

anyway now being serious
to avoid getting sick the easiest thing is to not go near people and not touch them. so you must be crazy if you think social distancing advice doesnt actually save people from getting it

Oh, franky1. I could be crying for you. All over the world people are helping the sick. You don't stay well by avoiding the sick. You stay well by avoiding the social distancing.

Mark 2:15-17:
15While Jesus was having dinner at Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples, for there were many who followed him. 16When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?”

17On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

F-1, don't you realize that you are one of the sick, yet? Or are you one of the righteous ones that need no help?

Jesus has healed me, and I continually need His help because I continually fail. Please don't wait until He has to let you go on general principle before you realize that you have it all backwards.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
now i get it.
those weirdo's that shout obscenities to people walking on a path.. i get it.
they think walking on a path atleast a metre away from traffic is fake/snake oil advice about road accident safety of pedestrians

i finally get it i always thought they were just idiots, looneys and mental cases.. but now i see.. they actually been told to think that pedestrians on a path should actually be on the road because road accidents are a myth.

^ that was satire(for those too stupid to read the obvious)

anyway now being serious
to avoid getting sick the easiest thing is to not go near people and not touch them. so you must be crazy if you think social distancing advice doesnt actually save people from getting it
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
I gotta go out today and I expect to stand in a stupid line.  Going forward I'm going to have underlings do my shopping for me, and when we have to 'take the mark' in order 'buy and sell', they will be doing 100% of my business.

To kill time I'm planning to play 'truther' vids on my phone loud enough for at least a few people around me to overhear.

I don't think I'll be as out-front as this guy, but that's mostly because I am an expat and a guest in the country.  I might make a few sheep noises anyway though.

Activity: 2828
Merit: 1514
Comes down to resolution, and the more 'towers' there are, the tighter the resolution can be.  A characteristic of the 5G network is lots and lots more 'towers' due to the limitations of higher frequency EMF signals.  If you've never heard of the cell tower triangulation technology, it's pretty simple.  Here's something from 12 fucking years ago which is just the first thing which popped up on Google:

So coronavirus is a sham just so the government can build more cell phone towers? Or are you trying to say the government is using cell phone tower testing for some nefarious purpose? Where are you making the jump from coronavirus stay at home orders to advancing cell tower triangulation technology? People staying home doesn't mean more telecommunication infrastructure is being built.

Seem that this, or something like it, is what Bill Gates wants injected into everyone in the world before they are allowed to leave their houses again.

Ahh, there it is. It's Bill Gates trying to inject the populations with his mind control vaccines so he and the lizard people can reconvene and dominate the world.
Activity: 2800
Merit: 2472
I suspect that they probably only need an inch or so to triangulate these daysp
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Care to explain in what world would social distancing help cell tower triangulation? Are you trying to suggest coronavirus has something to do with 5G? Perhaps the reason only one person were able to put two and two together is because the theory is utterly baseless?
Cell tower triangulation is very important because once the towers uproot themselves and start walking and slithering around, we don't want them running into each other.

You didn't think that when the Singularity arrives and AI becomes conscious, they were going to walk around like normal small people, did you?
Activity: 980
Merit: 62
Yes, when everyone is social distancing, then a large percentage of the newly confirmed cases will come from people who were at home. When Cuomo says "literally at home", that's not the reality. People leave to get food, go grocery shopping, or might step out of their home for any other reason. If not them, someone in their household could be doing the same which would then infect someone in the same house who may have not left their home at all period. I've seen a lot of rag tier tabloids take Cuomo's quote out of context to spread propaganda about social distancing or lock downs.

You can look at the charts yourself and see that social distancing does reduce the spread. -

How would do you explain the reduction in growth of cases? Is it a mere coincidence that the exponential growth of cases just so happen to flatten out as lock down occurred?

This is so true. People go out at least once a day - especially now that some of them are going to work.
This means that social distancing is not working on 100% and the results are not going to depict the clear effects that social distancing might bring to our society and the reduction of infections eventually.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

I see you are still saving the world through your Bitcointalk posts, thanks god we have you, you have it all figured out!! You are a mastermind!!1!?!?!?

That's what the people who bought BTC at $2.00 each upon my advice say.

Nothing I do is magic.  Just basic analysis based on post-enlightenment class scientific principles.  Having a wide array of interests and, relatedly, experiences also helps.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645

So-called 'social distancing' is probably mostly about allowing cell tower triangulation to be effective for operations to be implemented under the 'new normal'.  Has little or nothing to so with microbes and never did.

So far I've seen only one other person put two and two together here.  I think it was that Rancid Buttar guy who is probably an NWO shill and a phony...which is why it is interesting to hear what he says and read between the lines.  I'm suspicious of him and that Indian guy because their works are sent viral while more credible people are heavily censored.

Care to explain in what world would social distancing help cell tower triangulation? Are you trying to suggest coronavirus has something to do with 5G? Perhaps the reason only one person were able to put two and two together is because the theory is utterly baseless?

Comes down to resolution, and the more 'towers' there are, the tighter the resolution can be.  A characteristic of the 5G network is lots and lots more 'towers' due to the limitations of higher frequency EMF signals.  If you've never heard of the cell tower triangulation technology, it's pretty simple.  Here's something from 12 fucking years ago which is just the first thing which popped up on Google:

If they are doing things with triangulation, it's probably mostly testing at this point.  Making ready for devices which are not practically GPS-able.  Devices such as 'implantable nano-platforms' for instance.

Seem that this, or something like it, is what Bill Gates wants injected into everyone in the world before they are allowed to leave their houses again.

I see you are still saving the world through your Bitcointalk posts, thanks god we have you, you have it all figured out!! You are a mastermind!!1!?!?!?
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

So-called 'social distancing' is probably mostly about allowing cell tower triangulation to be effective for operations to be implemented under the 'new normal'.  Has little or nothing to so with microbes and never did.

So far I've seen only one other person put two and two together here.  I think it was that Rancid Buttar guy who is probably an NWO shill and a phony...which is why it is interesting to hear what he says and read between the lines.  I'm suspicious of him and that Indian guy because their works are sent viral while more credible people are heavily censored.

Care to explain in what world would social distancing help cell tower triangulation? Are you trying to suggest coronavirus has something to do with 5G? Perhaps the reason only one person were able to put two and two together is because the theory is utterly baseless?

Comes down to resolution, and the more 'towers' there are, the tighter the resolution can be.  A characteristic of the 5G network is lots and lots more 'towers' due to the limitations of higher frequency EMF signals.  If you've never heard of the cell tower triangulation technology, it's pretty simple.  Here's something from 12 fucking years ago which is just the first thing which popped up on Google:

If they are doing things with triangulation, it's probably mostly testing at this point.  Making ready for devices which are not practically GPS-able.  Devices such as 'implantable nano-platforms' for instance.

Seem that this, or something like it, is what Bill Gates wants injected into everyone in the world before they are allowed to leave their houses again.

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